• 3 replies
  • 108 subscribers

My third psa reading since starting HTas come back as 0.1 previous 2 were 0.4 then 0.6 

Also I am being put back on apalutamide at a lower dose as I had a severe rash Nov 24 and had to come off it 

RT finished 24/12/24 so all looking OK at mo 

  • Hi  very positive post. Long may it continue. Best wishes, David

  • Hello  

    That's brilliant and things are looking good for you. it's a shame about the rash but it looks like that's sorted now. A PSA of 0.01 is amazing (it's been 3 years on HT for me and my lowest is 0.29!!).

    Long may it continue - you are doing great.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi  ,

    amazing news. My OH has the same PSA.He finished his RT7th January and Oncologist said they will do another test in 3 months .

    upwards & Onwards

    best wishes

    Lz & OH xx