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I have been getting a lot on ads on my Facebook feed for Soursop and its anti cancer qualities . Does anyone have any experience of taking this at all ? 

I am always highly sceptical about this type of thing but would love to hear from anyone who has experience of using it .

  • Hello  

    Nice to hear from you - I hope things are going well for you.

    I am always highly sceptical about this type of thing

    I agree with your sentiments and until someone professional confirms there are benefits to be had I stay well away from products like this one (indeed it's a new one on me so I had to look it up).

    All I can say is before you take any complementary or alternative medication/therapies it's nailed on that you contact your GP/Team first as there can be a medication clash.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi  , have you seen this article  cancer research uk .  The side effects seem to be horrible.  Hope it gives you more info. David

  • Hi David2017,

    I must admit that I had never heard of Soursop so being curious had a look at the link you provided.  I think the last 2 sections cover it nicely:

    Be cautious about believing information or paying for any alternative cancer therapy on the internet. 

    A word of caution

    It is understandable that you might want to try anything if you think it might help treat or cure your cancer. Only you can decide whether to use an alternative cancer therapy such as graviola.

    You could harm your health if you stop your cancer treatment for an unproven treatment.

    Many websites promote graviola as a cure for cancer. But no reputable scientific cancer organisations support any of these claims.

    My personal thoughts regarding things like this appearing on social media are to be extremely cautious given that there is no scientific backing for claims made, but it could also be a scam to part me from my hard earned money.  Also, as Millibob has stated, it's important to run any complimentary medication past your medical team in case it clashes with any medication you are taking (not just to treat cancer but for other ailments as well).

    Best Wishes


  • Brian ( ), totally agree with you.  I won’t be going that way unless some medical evidence is provided.  Personal choice.  David

  • I have no experience of it but agree with the others comments. There have been no trials with humans in relation to cancer claims. Something else I found is a warning which reads

    Faulty tests. Graviola (soursop) can interfere with nuclear imaging because it stops your body from absorbing the radioactive drugs used in the test. 

    Nerve damage. Some lab animals got tremors and other movement problems similar to symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. 


    Low blood pressure. Graviola could lead to a drop in blood pressure in animals and humans. This may cause trouble if you already have low blood pressure or on medication to lower it.


    Low blood sugar. Graviola potentially may be dangerous if you’re prone to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or take diabetes drugs.

  • I won't be using as if on medication from NHS have read it can cause more problems as soursop is not medical proven to help .