Recovery Timelines

  • 1 reply
  • 110 subscribers

Good afternoon all, I wonder if any of you can shed some light on recovery timelines.  I realise it is different for every individual but I would just like a rough idea.  My issue is, my operation  has been postponed by 2 weeks (Da Vinci and its specialist 'handler' are otherwise engaged that day), not a massive drama except for the fact my partner has rearranged all of her work schedules, flights, hotels, and clients to reflect my operation taking place on the 15th Jan.  Do you think I will be able to look after myself, and walk the dog within 20 days of the operation.  Thanks for your time.

    • My husband had the op after 2 wks he had catheter out and was back to normal walking hrw a day they only thing he can't do is lift any thing heavy but we get round that. But we are all different after 5 day he walk round house 3 times every hrw  then increase it each day till walking out side good luck for ur op and we're hope it all goes smooth for u