
  • 4 replies
  • 110 subscribers

What you guys think about diet ? I'm trying to decide my path in terms of diet ,according to some the turn to a more vegetarian diet is the answer, other say keto is better, others the Mediterranean diet ,a little bit in between the other 2 ,really don't know, been listening one video yesterday about how cells feed ,good cells and cancer cells, and according to the doctor/scientist ,the cancer cells feed on glucose ,the same as normal cells ,and sugar and carbohydrates supply that glucose , cutting the glucose forces the body to go old school and turn the power supply to fat ,good cells work very good with fat power but not cancer cells ,cancer cells are not so efficient to work on ketones ,fat power ,anyone with an investigation more ahead than mine that can give an opinion?

  • Hi Murcao welcome to the forum..You have certainly done your research evident from your post. The only evidence that I am aware of in relation to diet is to eat a healthy balanced diet..We could turn ourselves inside out trying to find answers and proof but meanwhile we miss out on the pleasures of our day to day food. I don't have any direct experience, other than the healthy balanced diet aspect but maybe some of the others on here may know of research around the areas you have highlighted.  


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  • Hi !

    I would totally agree with Granny59 with a healthy well balanced diet and not overdoing anything. That with lots of excercise I think is the way forward.

    But like you’ve researched, there are a fraction within the prostate cancer society that seems to be totally confident that prostate cancer is basically a metabolic disease and then of course many thoughts they present connects with different food, nutritions and etc.

    I personally think prostate cancer is part genetic, part society driven, part metabolic and etc. and that’s why I think Granny59 is onto the ’truth’ on what you can affect yourself, take to the table and that is eating healthy and well balanced (and then combine with excercise) Slight smile

  • One thing everyone agree ,cut the sugar as max as possible and reduce as much also carbs ,it's almost Christmas, of course I'm gonna eat my beloved portuguese sweets and foods ,just a little sin Grin

  • Hi !

    Well yes, processed sugar I agree but then they come into discussions about fruits and then my personal feeling is that the ’metabolic fractions’ goes totally way off script. If you don’t have diabetes nobody will ever convince me that fruits are dangerous when diagnosed with prostate cancer. And also cutting out carbs which is the primary fuel in the body and muscles. Everything with good proportions 

    Like Granny59 says, a healthy well balanced meal / diet Slight smile And with regular excercise you can reward yourself Slight smile