
  • 8 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hello all. My first contribution to the group. Just a summary by comparison. I had my prostate removed in October 2022. Gleason 4+3. Margins clear but a lymph node between my aorta and spin showed cancer. I had cyber knife radiotherapy in December 2023 which seems to have cleared the node. Since the prostate removal and after the first PSA blood test my PSA has continued to go up until it’s now .54. Discussed having intermittent hormone therapy which may start in September. To be confirmed. 
my query is around testosterone. I have been a weight trainer/lifter since a teenager ( I’m 65 now) and still train hard. I try to eat a fair amount of protein. My question is am I harming myself. Exercise increases testosterone which in turn feeds the cancer. 
it’s causing me stress and a dilemma. Anyone in the same position or have the same concerns. 

  • You are correct that testosterone feeds PCa and exercise does cause a small, temporary rise in testosterone.  But it doesn't matter if your T level is 200 or 700. Either is more than enough to satisfy the needs of the PCa. So a small daily variation need not concern you.

    But the benefits of exercise when it comes to your health can not be overstated. This is especially true if you have prostate cancer. Study after study confirms this. Don't stress about your hard work outs. Take comfort in the fact it is helping you.

    If you start HT your testosterone  should decrease to a level below 20 ng/dL. This is low enough to starve the PCa. At this point your workouts will be more important than ever. Weight gain is very common for men on HT.  Exercise is the best thing you can do to counter this. That, and make your diet a strict priority.

    I wish you well.

  • Hello  and welcome. I am getting the reputation as the nerd on the forum so thought I'd look to see what the recent evidence is on exercise and testosterone levels for men post prostatectomy. The jury still seems to be out but what I have gleaned is that the testosterone level following vigorous exercise rises temporarily. The overall evidence is that exercise has a protective effect against developing cancer or it metastasising. There are odd snippets in this article and yes it does relate to older men but there are some useful bits in it plus references to earlier work.


  • Nerd? - never.  I prefer to think of you as a wise sage - what you don't know from personal experience you are more than capable of ferreting out & then making sense of it. Smiley

  • Correct Brian.  I will put up a reply on the forum and bang -  is there with not an answer - but a super explanation!!

    We are blessed with having someone who can supply information and explanations and to be honest sometimes I am embarrassed by my lack of knowledge.

    I am thinking we need to form an  fan club with our first meeting somewhere in Greece Thumbsup. I will bring the bottle of whisky I already owe!!

    Best wishes - Brian (and thanks for your continued support!!).

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  • Seconded

    I have no current plans to go to Greece, but happy to chip in on the bottle of whisky!

    I could even make a couple of recommendations.

  • Well, I guess it’s how you interpret the word, ‘Nerd’ and in what context it is used:) I am happy to use it with reference to AH because she is using her ‘nerdism’ to give so much help and informatiIon to all of us!! I for one am always very grateful for her contributions and I think we are all a lot wiser for them! So, AH, please carry on being our resident ‘nerd’ - we need you!Blush

  • Thanks for the in depth reply Stampede. The answer is clear I will carry on the same for as long as I am able. It’s very much part of my DNA anyway and to stop would cause me all sorts of mental issues  

    Looks like I’ll have to stay off the chocolate biscuits soon as well  lol

  • Thanks for your response. The attachment lost me a little to be honest I’m not that bright!!!

    Exercise is a way of life for me so will carry on. 

    thanks again.