Not again

  • 6 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hello Everyone 

Seems I still cannot get a break, just did a stint in hospital for nine days where I had 22 pints of fluid drained from me. Before that I had to stop my chemo, I had four treatments and it was, to say the least more than I could take.

I explained this to them, my quality of life was none existent. I could barely have a can of soup, my appetite was dreadful, food tasted like wet straw.
My first time food tasted metallic, but I could eat that, it was a horrible experience which drove my wife mad, saying I had to eat something, unless you’ve experienced this it’s hard to explain.

Some fifteen weeks ago, I slipped on the stairs, right near the bottom. My right side crashed against the edging, I had two cracked ribs and badly bruised my right side, which I put lidocaine patches on to relieve the pain. Then seven weeks ago I lost my balance and banged my head, this is when I stopped the chemo, the hospital kept me in for three days and a had a head scan.

Ive only barely started walking again, more of a shuffle, my balance is not good, I have a frame and a stick to help me, these pins and needles in my feet and hands are a real devil, just cannot get the better of them.

Well that’s my tail of woe the last few months, still not giving up yet, I’ll fight this thing one way or another.

Take care


  • Hi  , that’s not a great few months and hope the chemo reaction settles.  I am another who only managed 4 sessions before my consultant pulled the plug on me (saying the next session will likely kill you!).  Hope the feet recover soon, it took mine a few months to ease and all I have now is tingling in my toes.  Best wishes. David

  • Hello Joe, I have been wondering how you have been getting on and so I’m really sorry to hear you’ve had a struggle. I really hope these horrible chemo effects wear off soon and that you start to feel better. Take good care of yourself and let us know how you’re getting on? Xxx

  • Hello Joe ( 

    Wow, that's some story - I can understand why you stopped the Chemotherapy, quality of life matters and until it's taken away, people don't realise how well off they are.

    It's a good sign you are walking again, I know the balance issue - I can't stand up quickly or get out of bed without standing still for a few seconds to regain my equilibrium.  Do you still have the pins and needles?  If so has your GP thought about a referral to neurology?

    I know your wife is your carer - I do hope she is Ok with your present predicament. -  I do hope you are on the mend now and that things are improving.

    If I can do anything for you please let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Millibob  Brian, there is a new member under the name of J Drain BA1965. He needs some answers which I do not know and I am sure there are many members who were in similar situation. Will be amazing if you could look at his post and help.

    Lots of love


  • sorry to hear Joe

    Am sure u will be ok soon, fingers crossed for you

    all the best


  • Hello Joe. I am so sorry to hear that you have really been through the mill. Just to let you know that you are in our thoughts and hope that you soon get back to some quality of life.

    Big hugs to you and your wonderful wife from hubby and me.