
  • 3 replies
  • 110 subscribers

I have advanced recurrent prostate cancer, despite a prostatectomy in 1995, external-beam radiotherapy in 2011, and two years of androgen deprivation therapy. 

I am considering having my bladder, together with its diseased connection to my urethra, removed surgically. 

Has anyone tried this approach, and, if so, what were the consequences?

  • Hello Seeker, i have read that you have 1 kidney. This kidney is therefore very valuable! I would strongly urge you to talk to a nephrologist before going much further in order to make sure that the permanent nephrostomy you will need if you have your urethra and bladder removed will not compromise your kidney in any way. I would also think that your surgical team or nephrology team will check your renal function etc beforehand, too. 

    im sorry I can’t give you any more info but hopefully my reply will bump your post back to the top.

  • Hello Worriedwife

    Thank you for your kind message and for the concern you expressed. In a way, it's good I don't have two kidneys, because then I would have two nephrostomy tubes and two bags to empty.  I will indeed be cautious, but I feel the prostate cancer has backed me into a corner -- an especially uncomfortable one if the dominant form of the cancer proves to be neuroendocrine. It has been an interesting voyage so far, and the future looks equally challenging.  Be safe.

  • Hello Seeker, I do wish you all the very best - whatever treatment you eventually receive. This PC cancer sure does challenge us! Take care of yourself and I hope your donated kidney continues to serve your daughter well !