Wonder if anyone can answer my question?

  • 19 replies
  • 114 subscribers


I hope everyone is doing well. 
My dad was diagnosed in November last year I was accepting things slowly and becoming less scared but now he has another scan coming up I'm all in a state again. 

T4 N1 M1a, 4+5 Gleason, distant lymph nodes from psma Pet scan. 
bone scan clear. 

His PSA was 282 and after only ADT and Apalutamide it has fallen to 0.03 last read last week. They are holding off on radiotherapy as he has bowel problems. 

However this week they have requested he has another ct scan, is it likey to of spread a lot further already is this why he is having another scan?

Also does a psma pet scan show secondary cancers? Or does it only detect prostate cancer? If he had any other cancers else where like his lungs not related to prostate cancer would it have shown up? 

Thank you :) 

  • Hi  , from what you have said, I can’t see anything that suggests it has spread, why do you think it has?  I think the scan is routine just to check that the HT is working well, which it seems to be doing and 0.03 is a great reading.  We all worry when we get our 3 monthly checks, but over time it does get easier.  Please ask any questions.  Best wishes, David

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan online Prostate community - I am so sorry to find you here.

    With Advanced Prostate cancer scans and PSA tests are done as a matter of routine to keep an eye on if the medication is working and check where the cancer is and if there is any change - I would think the new CT scan will be of the prostate area only.

    A PSMA-PET Scan is more accurate BUT it doesn't work well with PSA's below 0.5 (Dad's is 0.03). It does show where prostate cancer has spread in other parts of the body but not other cancers - as far as I know it's prostate cancer specific.

    I hope this and David's answer above helps - if you have any more questions, however trivial feel free to ask - you will get answers.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks  and   for the replies he has been sent a ct scan for throrax, abdomin and pelvis. 
    He has asbestosis aswell and I've always worried of that turning to cancer too, so I was seeing if that would of been highlighted in the lungs on the pet scan he had for prostate as now I'm worried what they will find in his lungs on a CT. 
    yes I'm hoping the 0.03 reading is a good thing and has put it all to sleep for now. 
    It all just scares me and so do scans now. 
    He seems ok in his self, still works as a plumber 3 days a week, he said he feels weaker and very tired most days as he doesn't sleep with the hot flushes however apart from that he seems to be plodding along enjoying life. 

  • Hi DaddysGirl9009 and welcome back, how is Eddie doing, is he still working all the hours he can, sorry to hear your feeling anxious again as your dad and i are both T4 N1 M1a with lymph node mets and have cribriform variant, your dad's scan will probably be his routine 6 monthly one and a PSMA is prostate specific, it's used to detect antigens/proteins associated with prostate cancer and not other cancers, though it may detect "anomalies" which may need further investigation, these are very rare, Great news with his PSA which shows treatment is going well best wishes to you both.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie! 

    Thanks so much as always, dad is still working but isn't as driven as he was although I guess that's understandable, seems the treatment can really knock if out of people. 

    How are you doing? I hope everything is going as good as it can for you also xx

  • Hi, you are welcome, he's still working, wow, though I'm not surprised as he does love his job, the treatment can and does take a lot out of you, I saw you mentioned your dads hot flushes are keeping him awake, is/has he taken anything for them, if not a lot of guys take menoforce sage tablets from Holland & Barrett with excellent results, I took medroxyprogesterone for 3 weeks and haven't had a hot flush since, my treatment is going well, though my eldest girl was diagnosed with terminal cancer 6 weeks ago, so not at my best, say hi to your dad for me and take care,

    Eddie xx

  • Hello  

    I agree with Eddie above, the CT scan sounds very much like the routine CT scan.

    My father in law suffered from asbestosis, the GP kept a check on this by use of a breath flow test - things may have moved on now. If you are worried about this have a word with dad's GP.

    The weakness can be put down to the fatigue caused by the Hormone Therapy. As for the hot flushes I cured mine by taking Sage Tablets - mine were stopping me sleeping but the tablets have worked a treat - but the don't work for everybody.

    As for Radiotherapy - if your team are worried about his bowel being "zapped" too there is something called "Space Oar" which is a water based spacing device which can separate the prostate from the bowel. it has recently been approved by NICE for use in the NHS in England's "Innovation Programme". You can of course get it done privately.

    he seems to be plodding along enjoying life. 

    This is good news, long may it continue. Please keep us posted.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • All this seems quite routine for your Dad's cancer.  If the Hot flushes are being really bad - especially at night then try taking something for them - you can try over the counter medication to start with but you can be prescribed medication by the GP if they do not work.he needs his sleep so anything to help with that is a godsend. 

    All the best.

  • If your dad worked for a company as a plumber, he might be able to put in a claim for asbestosis. My wife is an expert in industrial disease, so if ever need any advice, please message me. I’m not touting for business, this is a free friendship offer from a fellow cancer patient.

  • Hello Eddie, I am so very sorry to hear of your daughter’s recent diagnosis and can only imagine how devastating this will be for you and all the family. I send my love and a big hug xxx