
  • 35 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I have just started on Hormone Therapy (I haven't got used to calling it HT yet) and am taking advice from many here - thank you all of you.

The best advice is that I need to tackle the things I can and put aside worry on the ones I can't. So, it's diet and exercise.

My lady wife has the diet stuff under control. She is having an operation to remove a polyp (could be seen but not removed by the colonoscopy, as it was hiding behind the appendix - so they are going in through the roof tomorrow, a laparoscopy I think they call it) so I have a weeks' worth of salads to make. For some reason she doesn't rate my cooking....

It's the exercise that I need advice on.

I read that HT (see, I did it that time) can cause problems with bones and muscle wasting.

I walk for a minimum of 30 minutes every day - even when it's raining - and assume I should carry on with that. 

Summertime I cycle a bit. I have a history of dismounting headfirst, so I am seeking advice on whether I should stop or not. Practical advice, not from medical specialists, who alsway seem to look at me as if I have two heads.

So, should I quit cycling?

I also read that light wieghts are good to retain muscle mass. I have got some weights (belonged to younger daughter) but I have no idea what exercises to actually do

Does anyone have any links to exercise videos or documents listing the right rate of exercise?

The trying not to worry thing is working, although I do have some moments where the voice in my head says "worry you plonker, you've got cancer". I am telling it to be quiet.


  • Hahahaha! Oh dear See no evil  

  • Hi here is the translation of exercise on the board. Go steady! 

    Warm up and stretch for 5 minutes
    Rest between the below tasks when needed:
    Choose appropriate weights (ask if you are unsure)
    Section1:  45 seconds each task - 1 min rest between: ( more rest if you want)
    Left Arm - Dumbbell Oar for 45 seconds and Dumbbell Shoulder Press 45 seconds...
    Repeat for Right Arm
    Pulldown and Tricep Dip x2
    Cable Hinge and Burpee x2
    Single Leg Press and Calf Raises on each leg
    Pigeon Stretch
    Section 2
    Treadmill @ 15% incline - 4 minutes on and 1 min rest
    Dumbbell Clean and Press – Left Side for 1 min rest and repeat
    Dumbbell Clean and Press – Right Side for 1 min rest and repeat
    Farmers Walk, Squat and Step up – 4 minutes
    Cycle – Easy 4 mins
    Kettlebell Turkish Get Ups on left side and then right side for 2 minutes each side.
    LSlight smile
  • Thanks for that - I have a sweat on just reading it!!  SweatSweatSweat

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • I am being bullied by my younger daughter to start doing Les Mills "Thrive" exercise routine.

    This appears to have been designed by some very over enthusiastic people, determined to use music I don't really like.

    I have waiting for the local Cancer Support Team's health and wellbeing guy - he's the one with the free sessions at the gym - to call me back, but it also occurred to me to ask if anyone else has encountered this fitness regime?

  • Never heard of either him or the routine.  You are far better off going to a gym and asking for a fitness regime to suit you.  You will be assessed and be able to start doing exercise slowly and working up gradually.  Personally having been a Physical Training Instructor for 37 years  in the Royal Air Force I don't subscribe to any "fad" routines or diets.  I am not saying that this one is a fad or that there is anything wrong with it at all but there is no one in the room with you to watch you and correct you if you are doing anything wrong - which can be important.  I don't think you can beat seeing an instructor in person and being given an individualised programme to start with, especially if you do not currently exercise much and are undergoing any treatment.  Until you get the call back from your local cancer support team just take a walk every day - if you are not used to walking far or fast start off strolling for a short walk and build up to quicker longer walks slowly - any exercise is better than none.  

    I have just watched my wife doing house work and gardening and I know why she doesn't have to go to the gym - so there are some exercises for you to try which will also do your home and garden some good.  The important thing is to not overdo things at the start.

    Now i am going to have to look up this guy and his programme.

    Take care

  • Good Morning  

    That's one of the best posts about exercise I have ever read - it's common sense really but a cracking post - Thanks for posting.

    Kind Regards - Brian. Thumbsup

    (p s Have you started to write that book yet??).

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Good advice, and I will take it.

    This is the web site for Les Mills:


    I am going with the personalised approach as suggested, once the local people get back to me.

    In the interim I am walking a minimum of 40 minutes daily (that's "brisk" walking according to NHS Active 10 app. Usually equates to about 90 minutes of total walking).

    I also do a percentage of housework, and some stuff in the garden, where my input is restricted to "Dig there" - "Stop Digging" - "Put that plant in that hole" - "no, not that plant - that one!"

    My feeling is that I need to add a couple of gym visits a week and some light weights at home - but according to direction by an expert.

    I will set my other daughter on my younger daughter, then sit back and watch the fireworks.

    Slight smile

  • Love your attitude and glad to hear that your wife has trained you well. My husband's stock comment is 'Yes Dear' when he wants to wind me up and he has been banned from anything in my flower garden apart from digging holes because he cannot tell the difference between a weed and a plant that is supposed to be there - or is this a ploy to get out of the work? I do have him well trained around the house provided it is safe but jobs which used to take a couple of hours are now taking several days. Patience is the name of the game but at least he can still do them - eventually!!!

    Now that your HT has started learn to listen to your body and pace yourself.

  • Hi I find these about right. I do the 30 minute one daily.


  • Hi Freefaller,

    Definitely the best advice. Though I have to tease you on this as it made me smile. 

    "I have just watched my wife doing house work and gardening." 

    Er..... deckchair?
