• 4 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi my husband had bloods taken today to test PSA, Testosterone plus Hb, liver etc 

His PSA was 0.08 in Feb but has come back as 0.36 today. Cancer nurse said its a small rise which they are not overly concerned about it. Me(wife) can't help worrying. Has anyone had this happen & it has then gone down again? What can cause it to rise? Despite the obvious 

Thank you

  • Hi  

    I have just read your profile and see that there is no update since the beginning of last year. If you can update us on his treatment so far then this will help give you a more targeted response. Look forward to hearing from you.

  • Diagnosed in December 2022.

    Metastised to bones, no spread to lymph nodes. Original PSA 102. 

    PSA (Feb 2024) was 0.08

    PSA today) 0.36

    Cancer nurse not overly concerned  but its a rise!(my thoughts as wife). Just unsettled me 


  • 3 monthly Prostap injection & daily Enzalutamide 


  • Hi  .

    I can understand your concern at seeing a rise in PSA as we all hope that it will go down and stay down. What they will be looking for is a continuous rise over a period of time, and the rate of that rise - velocity. Sometimes the PSA can rise and then stabilise again. I would explain your anxiety during your consultation on the 17th and see if you can have another PSA test. Also has Richard had a recent scan to check what effect the HT has had on the initial tumour and bone mets. At the moment there is insufficient evidence for progression but there has been a more than doubling of the PSA.

    Let us know how you get on but I hope it is just a little jump which might stabilise.