Hormone treatment

  • 14 replies
  • 115 subscribers

I had a radical prostractomy just over 2 years ago. Unfortunately as I was told at the time I was at high risk of cancer returning it had.1 at base of bladder the other where prostrate was.

i have started taking Bicalutamide and in 2 weeks have injection.

i will start 20 days of radiotherapy after that.

i am fit healthy and active.

Would appreciate any advice or your experience of this treatment.

i don’t want to lose the ability to play golf etc 

Also any advice on diet and side effects appreciated.

  • Many thx I am on the second group of tablets 

    Hi and a late welcome from me. You will probably only be on Bicalutamide for a month. This is to stop "tumour flare" when the injections start.

    I had 28 days of Bicalutamide and three years of Prostap which started after just a few days of tablets. It's now three years since my last Prostap injection and, although everything else has returned to normal size and functionality (well, as much functionality as one can expect at nearly 77), my "Moobs" have stayed with me!

    Good luck with your treatment.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • I thought I would see what NICE (UK advisory body) have to say about the different types of hormone therapy. These drugs are classified as Very Common or Common to produce the side effect of Gynaecomastia (moobs).

    Leuprorelin/ Prostap 


    Triptorelin/ Decapeptyl 




    The following drugs do not have a warning.

    Darolutamide (but one paper suggests approximately a third)



    This then raises the question of side effects with combined drug therapy - my thoughts are that the mode of action of the drugs which do not produce moobs would counter the effects of those which do.

    Interestingly NICE also recommend that men should be counselled about possible treatments such as initial radiotherapy to the breast buds if they are put onto hormone therapy.