Big step forward

  • 1 reply
  • 105 subscribers

Hi All

It's now 7 months from the RALP and I'm still totally incontinent but I've been very proactive.  Despite my Consultant telling me nothing can be done until 12 months have elapsed I found other guidance which said that 6 - 12 months was the window for action.  I finally manged to get a referral to an NHS consultant to discuss an artificial sphincter but that's not until August.  In the meantime I have "gone private" and have had one consultation and urodynamics assessment and flexible cystoscopy.  The outcome is that I am just waiting for the MDT to "sign off" on the op to insert an AUS.  Has anyone here any experience of the Rigicon Sphincter?

My main purpose in writing is to urge any fellow sufferers to listen to their own bodies and be proactive in seeking solutions.  I do hope my own intransigent Consultant is not not norm.

  • Hello  

    I well remember your original posts where you gave full details of your issues and I think it's a great help to the Community in you sharing your journey. I do hope you get the operation and the artificial sphincter and it sorts ALL of your issues out.

    Thank you for your post and not naming and shaming anyone. keep us posted as to how you get on.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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