April PSA down to to 3.7

  • 17 replies
  • 111 subscribers

My April PSA is down to 3.7.. Two points down from Feb test.    I am still missing Maureen a lot. and have a good cry every day. But i gert out into the garden when weather is OK.

  • Hi Les,the one thing you have got is a life time of memories and no one can take them away,try to keep strong I’m sure your wonderful lady would tell you the same,look forward to hearing your plant choice,please come back and let us know.take good care.Thumbsup

  • Hello Les it’s great to hear that your PSA is coming down But, as one gardener to another, i think it’s a lovely idea to plant a Maureen rose in your garden! What a lovely tribute to your lovely lady and to  keep alive all those very special memories. I hung a wind chime in my garden after my much loved Dad died. Every time I hear it I think of all the happy times I had with him.  We’ve had some beautiful weather this last couple of weeks and I’ve been out gardening every day! My back knows about it!! My husband is not overly interested but helps me maintain it. I grow flowers

     and a few vegetables and a bit of fruit - not always successfully!

    re the tears, as others said , no shame in that! It shows you are human! Let them come and wash away some of the pain. 

  • Having a good cry hurts no one. When my parents both passed within a few months of each other back in 2018 I bought their garden bench from their home to ours and it is now pride of place in my garden. I hHeartad a little plaque out out on and yesterday I satHeart on it for ages watching a robin playing. He came really close to me and I knew it was mum and dad close by telling me they are fine and looking after us. The day before I found a white feather on the bench. ️

  • Raining here this morning. so to pass the time the lounge and the dining room has been dusted and polished.

    I know it is early but i was up at 06-30.  Maureen had a big crystal glass collection and I see that needs a wash. So that is a job fo tomorrow as I know thats take a long while todo. That is if its wet outside.  Thank you all again for you support.

  • Don't remind me Les. I also have a crystal glass collection which is in a cabinet. Every time I put the light on it screams at me that it needs dusting so please send your magic duster over here. When I look at the different pieces it reminds me of where, when, and by whom they were given. Tomorrow will probably be a trip down memory lane with Maureen.

  • That's lovely.  I have to look up the Maureen Rose to give to my Auntie Maureen for her Birthday now.