April PSA down to to 3.7

  • 17 replies
  • 112 subscribers

My April PSA is down to 3.7.. Two points down from Feb test.    I am still missing Maureen a lot. and have a good cry every day. But i gert out into the garden when weather is OK.

  • Good news that the PSA is stable. Was Maureen a keen gardener or is that your domain which she used to sit in and enjoy? Have you thought about planting a special shrub that you can sit by - there is a rose called Maureen. Let us know what you think.

  • Good news that your PSA is down.  You are bound to be missing your Maureen a lot.  It's good to have a cry - does you the world of good.  Glad to hear you are getting out into the garden fresh air does you good.  Have you thought of maybe planting something in memory of Maureen?  You may find that one of the Rose growers has a rose named Maureen?

    Take care and keep in touch so that we know how you are getting on.

  • oh!  I just suggested that too!  We have roses named after members of our family in the garden and they are just coming out now. 

  • Alwayshope

    I did most of the gardening but Maureen liked flowers and did the dead heading of flowers. I have just looked at thet rose I think I will be getting some. its a\ nice pink so it will be a yes.

  • There is a floribunda rose called Maureen. There are also Tulips as well as a Yew so plenty to choose from.

  • We had a patch at the back which a lot of the flowers Maureen liked and I am working on that. 

  • And can I say a big thank you rto you all for your kind words.

  • Hubby does all the vegetables but the flowers are my domain. I had to stop him from pulling out a verbena a few weeks ago as he thought it was a nettle. He bought me a beautiful hydrangea for our wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago but didn't realise that you need a special feed to make sure it keeps its colour. I will also need to protect it from too much sun so hopefully no trips away for treatment in the height of the summer.

  • Hello Les ( 

    Cracking news about your PSA results - may they keep dropping.

    There's nothing wrong with a man who can cry - it shows we have both strength and feelings and we are able to express our emotions - I can fully understand you missing Maureen and as you know she will be watching over you and the garden.

    Take care and remember we are all with you here.

    Kind Regards - Brian.

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