Sex after radical prostatectomy...

  • 10 replies
  • 109 subscribers

I have one scheduled for 10 days time.  Can anyone advice on general recovery and sex life possibilities goings forward. May thanks 

  • Hi Barnman.

    Firstly all the best with the prostatectomy. I have attached a link to general information on penile rehabilitation which gives you a rough indication on timeline and what to expect. If you are on hormone therapy as well then this usually affects your libido for a while. The general advice is 'use it or lose it', but also there is some evidence that using tablets like Viagra as soon as recommended by the doctors may speed recovery time.

  • Many thanks for the reply. I don't have HT scheduled. My team are prescribing Tadafinil which I guess works the same way as Viagra so will try that but don't quite get why I would take it while catheterised? All the best BM

  • Good Morning   From what I remember reading it's given as a course for erectile dysfunction when you have had a prostatectomy. It works by being triggered by sexual stimulation and in the couple of weeks after the operation that's the last thing you will be thinking about - but you are already on the medication.

    That's my understanding of why you take it - it's a case of your body getting used to it as it fights the erectile dysfunction after the operation.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Many thanks Brian good to know to try and understand. Kind regards BM

  • My husband didn't have a prostatectomy as he wasn't eligible but from what I have read I think the recommendation is that you start taking it 7 - 10 days after catheter removal. Check with your doctor but I am sure others will come along with their experiences.

  • Thanks certainly will do 

  • I was prescribed 5 mg of Tadalafil from about 2 weeks after surgery for 2 years. I have not missed any. I am now 17 months post op but still suffer from ED. Not everyone suffers from ED. If you find you do have a problem I suggest you ask to be referred to an ED specialist. I found that useful. There are a few options. Self injections are available but I am a wimp and couldn't bring myself to use them. I did choose a vacuum pump which is excellent in achieving results. I find it very bothersome though. The pump does have reported benefits also of excercising the little fellow. I have read many times that it is essential to use it or you loose it. If you gofor the pump do your best to get it on the NHS though as it is pretty expensive as are the consumables. My hospital would not give me a prescription but my GP did. I did also try off my own back additional strong doses of Sildenofil (50mg)  and Tadalalofil (20mg) but they were of no benefit. Best wishes for the op.

  • Thanks for the feedback and advice,much appreciated. Was it straight forward getting a pump from the GP/ NHS? Best regards Barnman 

  • From what I understand, the pump is freely issued on prescription in some health areas but not ours.   It costs well over £200 with accessories which is a lot of money to me and I don't think I would have paid out.The nurse recommended a supplier (iMedicare) and arranged for them to phone me to discuss. The guy was brillant and explained fully how to use it. He emailed me a form with the details which I gave to my GP and he issued a prescription. Possibly GP's have this discretion. Received it within 2 weeks. There are much cheaper ones on ebay etc but they are not going to be of the same standard and performance as this sort of medical device. I would now gladly pay for the device having used it extensively. Hopefully you will not suffer. Many don't. As a side issue - I suggest you concerntrate on pelvic floor excercises from now onwards and be mindfull that there is a risk of incontinence. Again hopefully you wont be affected but it is as well to be mentally prepared.

  • Very useful advice and much appreciated. Best regards BM. Will feedback back in due course Thumbsup