
  • 15 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi All

we returned home today after a wonderful cruise to celebrate our 50 year’s anniversary. Feeling very tired after the journey but just wanted to say sorry for not keeping up with your posts whilst we’ve been away! I just wanted to switch off from all things electronic as much as possible! I will try and slot back in once the jet lag has subsided and the washing is all done, dried, ironed and packed away!

I hope all is going well for everyone on this journey we are all on! 


  • Hello   Wow time flies - but it's great you have enjoyed a break - I bet you have some stories to tell!!

    Nice to have you back - we have missed your input - you are one of the respected contributors to the Community and we value your knowledge and empathy - so hurry up with those jobs and snap out of the jet lag!!!  Only kiddingRoflRofl.

    Welcome Home - Brian x

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • aawww, Brian, thank you!  Hoping a good nights sleep will let my brain catch up with my body!

    One of the things that amazed us was that we got talking to 3 men at different times - all of whom were along the prostate cancer journey!  Everyone agreed that there should be a national screening programme for all!

  • Welcome back WW - I echo Millibobs sentiments. Don’t rush the jet lag: we will still be here when you come through it!!  AW

  • Thank you AW, jet lag is not good but the holiday was just so wonderful and so much needed! I hope all goes well for the remainder of your RT.

  • Welcome back WW.

    Hope you got your new sparkly shoes and made good use of them dancing the night away. Glad you are back safe and sound as I always look forward to your posts.

    Take it easy for a bit to get over the jetlag.

  • Hi AH, thank you for your kind words. Sadly - no sparkly sandals to be purchased anywhere but I dug out a pair of shoes which sufficed! As for dancing - we went to ballroom dancing lessons years ago but were absolute non starters! My husband literally ‘marched’ through the steps saying ‘quick, quick , slow’ and I could not let him take the lead and wanted to go in a different direction! But I did enjoy watching others go through the paces!  But,,, the cruise was just wonderful! We left home in a temp of minus 6 and stepped off the plane into plus 29! Visited some lovely places, had too much to eat and lots of sun lounger exercising :) Now need to get rid of the excess weight!!!

  • Welcome back and hope you had a fantastic time it is 6 weeks until our cruise and it will be exactly one year to the day since we last stepped on board as we had to cancel 5 last year 

  • Thank you Shar. Like yourselves, we have decided we must now embrace opportunities while we can. We did lots of cruises prior to Covid and then it all stopped! This was for a special occasion and I felt well and truly spoilt.  I hope you and your husband have a wonderful time! I know that you will experience a real thrill when you at last step back onto that ship!  Might I ask where you will be cruising to?

  • Hey   just think what you and your husband have been through in the last 12 months - and come through it you have!!

    When you step off the gangplank (or whatever you call that ramp thing!!) and take your first step onto the ship (boat?) no one will think anything less of you if you throw you fist into the air and shout "YES" at the top of your voice.

    Go on girl - you can!!! It will be like ringing the bell!!!

    Kind Regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • We are off round the med for 2 weeks including Valencia Cadiz and Lisbon 

    At the moment we can only get cruise cover for Europe but have been so lucky in the past to have cruises to Australia Thailand Cambodia America and Canada Hong Kong Mumbai so feel very grateful for this