Dad looks like T3aN0M0 - waiting on biopsy still

  • 4 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi all, my father’s scans look like he has T3aN0M0 prostate cancer. I’m told it seems clear the tumor is past the capsule but that it is not in lymph nodes, bones, nerves, or seminal vesicles and so this is his probably rating pending biopsy. His PSA was just 6.9 a month ago.

I know we technically know nothing until the biopsy is done, and the Gleason score is crucial. I am telling myself not to assume the worst, but unlike when I told myself the scans would show nothing and at worst it would be Stage 1 - I want to be prepared.

If there is anyone on here who has any knowledge or experience to share, that would be lovely.

We are scared and I know the biopsy news might not be good, I’m a bit of a wreck behind the scenes, but I know also that whatever it is, once we know we can get on with it.

  • Hello   I am aware you are awaiting the biopsy. If it's any help I am a T3aN0M0 Gleason 9 (5+4) Initial PSA182. My prostate had grown and I needed a TURP operation before my radiotherapy.

    I am 2 years into a 3 year Hormone Therapy journey and you know I am great. - You can read my journey by clicking on my avatar. 

    So hopefully he will have better results than me. - I have had a bit of a journey but -hey all is looking good.

    Think positive and he will be fine - we are all with you and your father here - you are doing great.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi P

    Yes worrying I know, sorry to hear.

    Good new is that it hasn't invaded anywhere else so still curable. I assume that  he is on HT to hold it back until treatment starts.

    So if that is the case then although a low Gleeson is obviously better even if  8/9 it is still curable so I wouldn't  be too worried at this stage, yes, easy to say I know..

    keep us posted

    all the best


  • This is so helpful. Thank you! Visualizing his life after is really hope-bolstering. The past few days of knowing but not-knowing will end, I know!

  • Thank you so much for telling me that. One hears the words high risk and then, well, you don’t know what to think! Probability of it being curable is very helpful to know.