Please can you

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  • 109 subscribers


Please can you tell me what is 2 post treatment review?

  • Hi

    It's not something I've heard of - unless it's simply the 2nd meeting after the treatment has finished.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi It is me.

    Is this something to do with the histological evaluation of the tissue taken during the prostatectomy which would confirm whether all the cancer has been removed, whether lymph nodes were positive or negative, and which nerve bundles were involved? Can you give us a clue as to the context?

  • hubby just got dates of his radiotherearay  thendate of the 2 post treatment review.

    His prostrate cancer had gone out of his system and spread so treatable not curable.

    He  was given chemo first

    Much appriciated your reply thank you

  • Add on I can not find my first post where I wrote the result of the biopsy he had to see about what stage it is at,

    The  letters are put away I dig it out tomorrow

  • I am wide awake and  had idea that maybe I can find what I had wtitten  and after trying  I found my first post 



    Just quick  chinwagging before I go for my short walk

    I am wife of hubby who recently got news he got Prostrate cancer

    Clinical staging  T3aN1M1B 17/17 cores

    PSA91.0 ''

    I look tomorrow for the latest result

  • Hi It is me.

    Firstly can I suggest you go to your profile page and give a brief summary of your husbands stats and journey so far. This will help us all to give you more targeted information. Click on the chair by your name and then "profile" , then "edit".

    The information you have supplied is useful in that he has not had a prostatectomy, so it is not a restaging review. The stats indicate that he has spread to the lymph nodes and bones. I hope that the chemotherapy wasn't too bad for you both and now you are on to the next step which is radiotherapy. This is an easier treatment regime, just time consuming depending on how many sessions your husband is planned to have. The post treatment review sounds as if it is a chance for you to find out how the treatment has gone and what the plan is for things going forward so make sure you have a list of questions ready.

    If you have any questions about your next step with radiotherapy, or something else then just ask and we will try and help. All the best to you both.

  • Thank you

    I  just looked at letter and says excellent response but can not see anything else expect treatment and drugs

  • Good news. It sounds as if he is responding well to hormone therapy (do you have a recent PSA), and that the chemotherapy response is as expected. Positive for the future.

  • No  I think  he was told over the phone I ask him when he gets home,

    I do more of update on  profile now 

  • No he can not recall excextly but it  is hardly noticable