Your rights to choice in the NHS

  • 2 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hi All

we read often here about our rights to choice in the NHS. 
here is a link I received this morning in my inbox

what I find interesting is our rights when the two week cancer referral rate is not met and if there is more than an 18 week delay for hospital care. 


  • Hello  

    It's a bit confusing because in "3" it says you don't have a choice in your care provider for the 2 week cancer referral as you "MUST" be seen!!

    Then in "4" you have a choice if you haven't been seen. 

    Is it me or is that the NHS closing the stable gate after the horse has bolted!!

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  • I will read and inwardly digest when I have a bit of spare time! Mega busy!