Too hot to handle

  • 17 replies
  • 113 subscribers

Hi guys going to start RT soon .starting to get a few answers but still not sure about anything. It's only when I get home from hospital I start thinking of what to ask, I think it's just a case of not wanting to hear the answers. I now know my PSA which is 0.2 was told that's good and RT is over 6 days and might feel fatigued. Now a big thing for me is does anyone have a magic cure for sweats they are destroying me have them day and night can't get a sleep so tired all the time. 

  • Hello   I swear by Holland and Barrett's "Manoforce" Sage tablets. They stopped my hot sweats totally and I was having bad ones.

    Advice for RT. Keep exercising and listen to the Radiologists - they know what they are doing.

    best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks Brian I will get them tomorrow will try anything sweats are so bad. 

  • They do take a few days to get into your system and are a tad expensive - but they work for me!!

    Good luck - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • I am seventy years of age and sixteen weeks into my HT and sorry to say that H-B Menoforce did nothing to help reduce my sweats although I consider that I was not suffering much. Perhaps twenty times each day but very variable.
    Having bought H-B Sage Leaf capsules prior to the Menoforce I am trying them again having tried a first thirty days of the Menoforce.
    If neither have any help I will learn to live with the sweats!
    I've chased my GP and had a recent blood test which shows a PSA of 0.76. Now awaiting the radiotherapy folks to get their act together!

  • Hi Osca023, Like you i had many hot sweats every day often up to 30, i was prescribed medroxyprogesterone which cleared them up in days


  • Thanks   I'm not into any more drugs than absolutely necessary so I'll see how it goes.
    Just as an aside, do you now feel the cold and have cold sessions more than you did before the HT?
    Until I was 73 I was working part time and in all sorts of temperatures even down to -25 degrees C or up to hot ambient so being hot or cold is nothing new to me.

  • Hi Eddie I have had 2 HT injections going to start RT my sweats are just about every 30 mins day and night so not getting any sleep to speak about and still doing 4 x10 hour shifts so getting bit desperate now will need to have a word with doc about that .thanks 

  • My husband really feels the cold now as well since he has been on hormone therapy. I think it is due to the disturbance caused by it on the hypothalamus which controls many of the bodies autonomic systems keeping them in a state of homeostasis. If you want a bit of background information I have added a link on the hypothalamus.

    We live in a hot country where daytime temperatures rarely fall below about 14C but even so he wears 3 layers in the house and uses an electric over blanket when sitting down. Exercise obviously helps as it increases the metabolic rate but generally we have learnt to live with it and just make sure that he is well bundled up when we go out. The other thing we have to be careful with is that the hormone therapy also makes him more sensitive to the sun so no shorts and t shirts for him and always a hat.

  • Hi Osca the meds i took for the hot fllushes were taken for less than 3 weeks with no side effects. I do have cold sessions too quite often, but i do  have metastatic cancer and they can be, for me, recently make me pass out, but i think other issues may play a part, and as i have only ever heard of one other person who this happens to, please don't think it will happen to you take take care


  • Hello FredeK, mine were happening all the time and i did give it time to see if it would ease up, but didn't, so oncologist put me on medroxyprogerterone a 10 week course but only needed them for 3 weeks and no fide effebts, Eddie