Fascinating video about treatment of Advanced PC

  • 5 replies
  • 115 subscribers

Hi, I've just watched this video about different medications and combinations available with advanced prostate cancer and found it fascinating. It is American so things maybe different in availability, but just understanding how the drugs can be used and can work when combined was enlightening. It's from a credible source. Obviously make up your own mind if you find it interesting, but I think worth a look if you are forever searching and trying to understand whats happening like me.

Slight smile


  • Hi BarryW

    Thank you for this link. This is so clear and simple to watch. 

    Best wishes


  • What an excellent and hopeful video for someone like me with advanced bone spread. I hope some of these options will be available should I need them. I have a meeting with Oncology in February where I hope we will discuss the nexrpt steps with my treatment 

  • Hi BarryW,

    Thanks for posting that link. I have just finished watching it and found the presentation extremely interesting. I have saved it for future reference, so when the time comes for plan "B", I can look for the options that may be available for me. Thanks again.

    Take care, Tom

  • Morning L watched the vid, bought up lots of questions, and info o look into thank you,


  • Yes - a lengthy video, well worth watching, and really detailed on second generation drug treatment, along with future options with Radium and Lutetium should PC become castrate resistant. Gives hope to those with bone skeleton metastases.