Reliable source for taking vitamin supplements and probiotics when having chemo

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  • 106 subscribers

I have read so much conflicting materials on Dr Google about the taking of probiotics and vitamin supplements whilst on chemo can anyone provide me with a link to some trustworthy sources or does anyone have any experience. I have read for example that probiotics can help minimise gut issues, whilst on the other hand probiotics can cause problems even though they are healthy bacteria. I have also read that some vitamin supplements can be metabolized differently. All advice welcome 

  • Evening Skippy.

    I think the jury is still out on the use of probiotics whilst undergoing chemotherapy. The problem is that there are so many variables such as the species of bacteria or yeast used, the length of time it should be administered, the type of cancer being treated and the geolocation of where the study is carried out. There is also the concern that the overuse of probiotics might cause overgrown of a limited gut flora which could adversely affect the digestive system.

    Maintaining a balanced gut flora can help the immune system and this is best achieved with a balanced diet but whilst you are having chemotherapy it is best to avoid unpasteurised food, undercooked eggs and products containing raw eggs, avoid salad leaf, wash all fruit, mainly eat cooked food, avoid acid food, eat smaller meals but more often..... It is also important to keep well hydrated. This is just my opinion and what worked for my husband. We adopted COVID type precautions, particularly wearing masks when out, frequent hand washing, avoiding anyone with bugs and just generally being careful with hygiene as the chemo compromises the immune system.

    Before having chemotherapy it is a good idea to get a thermometer and find out what your normal temperature is. I then took hubby's temperature twice daily whilst having it to check for any possible infection as you are going to be more susceptible to them.