Travel abroad when starting zoladex

  • 18 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hi All . Hoping you can help with your experience of travelling abroad when starting on zoladex please ? Hubby is newly diagnosed , and is expecting to have RT in about 3-4 months . He’s been taking bicalutamide and transitioning onto zoladex in early Jan . I think it would be good for our well being to have some winter sun in the Canaries, after what has been happening with him  , but just worried about possible side effects in the early days ? What’s the general feel ? Thanks in advance 

  • Hello   A warm welcome to the online Prostate Community - we are a decent bunch.

    Honest answer - go!!  The side effects usually take a while to kick in and you don't always suffer from them all. The usual starter for 10 is ED!! The rest are easily bearable especially in decent weather! As you may well be aware if you read other threads we have a place in Turkey and travel over there 3/4 times a year ( for a while even travelling with an indwelling catheter ) and have had no issues with thaor the Hormone side effects.

    As long as you have the appropriate travel insurance - lie back and enjoy the sun - keep exercising as fatigue will catch up with him - especially as he's working his way up to the "sunbed" sessions (RT).

    As an aside if you have just started on HT/RT make sure your hubby has a GP prescription cor Calcium/Vitamin D as the HT/RT can weaken your bone structure.

    Enjoy the break - you deserve one!

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi JETS, and welcome to the forum, Side effects vary from person to person, not everyone gets them most get just a few of them and they can start from day 1 to months after treatment, the main ones are fatigue, hot flushes, urinary incontinence and ED erectile disfunction. The fatigue and ED if it happens you will have to cope it You can take things with you for hot flushes and pads in case he may need them, Then there is weight gain, bone thinning and breast swelling which should have no impact of your holiday although you should see your GP about supplements for bone thinning. JETS nothing that would stop me from going on a relaxing holiday, take care, Eddie

  • Hello JET5.

    A very warm welcome to this friendly group. A lovely idea to get away to some winter sunshine. It's good to treat yourself and it will set you up for the radiotherapy. My husband is on Prostap rather than Zoladex but they have similar effects. He found that the side effects built up the longer he was on it but others have a more immediate reaction. What I would recommend is to leave travelling for a few days after the implant just in case your husband has a reaction but it should not dictate what you do. He may experience muscle or bone pain initially which can normally be dealt with by over the counter painkillers if needed.

    I have attached a link if you need information about Zoladex

    Please come back with any questions as someone is bound to have been there, done that and worn the T-shirt.

  • Hi I have been on the same pills for a month and then transitioned to a 3 month injection . I initially suffered from some bone pain that was helped simply by paracetamol . I have also had Night Sweats but if you read the item on Night Sweats there are loads of tips on how to minimise the impact . In general terms I would describe the effects as temporary in the early days for me . So far 

  • Hello Skippy1959, thank you for your advice it's good to know, i hope the side effects are kind to you and your treatment goes well, please take care, Eddie

  • Thanks sounds positive Thumbsup

  • Thanks that’s really useful Thumbsup

  • Thanks for sharing and hope your treatment continues well Thumbsup

  • I had my first Zoladex end of July 2022. On 28th July, we headed off on an 8 week tour of Italy, from the bottom to the top. Did the zoladex affect me? A little, nothing physical, but after a week or so I started to get emotional about things, just a bit of a wobble, being away bought into focus what lay ahead I guess. Since then I've always been a bit affected by sad things, so that's the first thing. other than that, at that time, nothing else at all. Other things have risen to a head since but that was all before RT.

    So go on holiday, have a great time, we did, it wont be so easy when you get back and start RT, our next holiday wasn't for another year.

  • Thankyou for sharing , I hope you continue to enjoy your life to the full