
  • 12 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hi all, my OH has heard recently that dairy products should be avoided with PCa and apart from milk in tea, I am now being rationed!   Anyone know if this is correct and if so why? I have had 6 years since chemo/RT and am on HT (for life).
Hope you all have a great festive period and good health for 2024.  David

  • Hello David2017, I have heard a few people say this, but most research is inconclusive with only one study suggesting there may be a link if you consumed large amounts, take care, Eddie

  • Hi David.

    I have found this fairly recent review. Make of it what you will.


  • Hi David

    I looked into dairy when first diagnosed in 2013 but as already been said nothing really conclusive.

    However I did decide to cut right back on dairy, red meat and sugar and am still doing that.

    So dairy I have some cheese and natural yogurt , that's it

    So probably the answer is don't cut it out but do cut back 

    Best wishes


  • Gosh, reading all that has made my head hurt

  • Hello Alwayshope, i hope you are both well,  David's question related to dairy consumption with PCa. I read the article you mentioned and the link does have merit, i also looked up PSa cases in lactose intolerant countries and they are all well below ours, maybe circumstantial I am not an expert, David if you want an alternative to dairy milk try almond milk

  • I have moved to Almond milk in tea and coffee (both decaf) and soya yoghurts still eat cheese though but try to moderate it 

  • Hi Eddie.

    I agree, but I think you can extrapolate the risk of developing PCa to actually having it. Other articles intimate that dairy consumption could be detrimental for those with aggressive forms of PCa in particular. The actual mechanism is still not understood, i.e. is it the fat content, the oestrogens or something else. My opinion is that if there is a possible link then why take the risk, particularly when alternatives are available.

    Should I add eggs into the mix and then duck?

  • Hi Alwayshope,

    Thank you for the link. The studies are confusing and inconclusive: fat milk whole milk skim milk yes and no. In any case you are right, if there is a link and the dairy feeding the PC better take steps. My husband reduced intake now, but still has his cottage cheese with fresh blueberry and papaya. Honestly, you have to keep some pleasures while the others fly away!

    Have a lovely Christmas in the sun.

    Lots of love 

    Dafna from very stormy and breezy Brighton

  • You are spot on Dafna.

    A little bit of what you fancy does you good. Choose sensible alternatives provided you still enjoy them. It's like dieting, if you cut everything you won't stick to it.

    You have a lovely Christmas too.

  • Thanks all.  I think I might be allowed some dairy by the sound of it (yippee, I promise not to go mad).   I  don’t have much anyway and we keep to a good diet normally, although tonight I had steak and chips (once every few months seems ok).   All washed down with half a bottle of red, so tomorrow back on paupers rations! 
    Thanks to all my new virtual friends - have a great Christmas.  David