ED after prostate cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in March 22 had surgery to remove the whole prostate and unfortunately had to have further treatment which was radiotherapy had no chemo so was lucky there but am still struggling with the consept of ED and wondering will it ever improve does any one else here struggle with this.

  • Godbless,

    Welcome to our Club but sorry you have had to join.

    Not sure what treatment you are on, what age you are etc.  For what it’s worth, here is my experience.

    Since an early age, I think I was fairly well supplied with testosterone, to the extent that the thought of having ED was beyond comprehension.  Having a PCa diagnosis probably hit my libido more than anything, so going onto HT seemed a relief that at least treatment was underway and I am not sure I even thought about ED with my head spinning so much in those early days.  What amazed me was that the HT not only removed any ability to have an erection, but it changed my brain into not wanting sex (something I still find amazing).  
    As a couple, we haven’t had a problem since in nearly 7 years.  I do suspect that my wife was quite relieved about my lack of desire (although she won’t admit it to me!). We are closer probably than before.

    As said, this is my experience and guess we are all different.  I am sure if you have any worries the guys and girls on here will add there own comments.

    Best wishes,  David

  • Thank you David for your message ive been devorced for a couple of years now and am not in a relationship but my confidence has taken  a hit especially when interacting with the opposite sex because of my ED .

  • Thanks David for an interesting post. Like yourself, it is difficult for me to imagine not having the use anymore which will almost certainly be the case if I proceed with surgery as is likely at the moment. It seems that you have got used to this situation which is reassuring. 

  • Hello   Another warm welcome to the Prostate Cancer forum.

    I can't join this conversation as I have been on HT for 2 years with another year to go - so ED yet for another 18 months plus Flushed.

    Can I just ask you to stick a little bit of your cancer journey on your profile (it helps others help you). To do this click on the icon of the chair - top right - home page - then "profile" and then "edit". (You can read mine by clicking on the icon of the beach - but you don't need to write a book!!).

    Best wishes - Brian.

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