Overly anxious- anxiety

  • 6 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hi guys and ladies.

Oh had radiation treatment and currently taking hormone therapy.

He seems to be very anxious about everything ..can't cope with simple things without  getting ridiculously anxious Worried  over thinking everything.. 

Driving me a little crazy with it all. 

Is this common symptom of HT.?

Any advice how to calm him and help him relax a little .or how I can deal with it. Don't want to upset him but also finding it difficult to deal with it.

Treatments working psa 0.02

Much love to all and Happy Christmas Christmas tree 

  • Hi Dorisw, it's perfectly normal to be anxious when you start treatment, but you do get used to it, I'm on daily hormone tablets and an injection which I get every 24 weeks, initially told 6 to 18 months to live, but since starting hormone's there's no time limit, so long as the meds keep working we are fine, next month is my 3rd year from diagnosis with many more year's to go, for further help please provide more details eg Gleason score, matast.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Hi , yes it's a normal reaction to HT and can be very trying. When I was on HT, Mrs. Seamus would send me out for a walk when it all got too much. It really helps to get some fresh air and exercise (even in the wind and rain).

    I hope you find a coping mechanism.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • DorisW  welcome to the Club.

    There is a lot to process at the start and it sounds like your OH is a worrier and he is still in shock.   Do you think he would be able to join our site and express his concerns directly, I just wonder if it might be therapeutic for him.  It is completely anonymous and the guys and girls on here would be able to help.  Either way, keep in touch.

    Seamus also had a great suggestion of sending him for a walk.  Which would not only help to regain fitness and stamina but would give him time to clear his thoughts.

    Best wishes to you both,  David

  • Hello Dorisw and welcome, Good to hear that treatment is working, As the guys have said exercise is a very good way to help him as it releases endorphins which are the feel good hormone and reduces stress and anxiety, and happy Christmas to you, take care Eddie

  • Hello  and a warm welcome to the online Prostate Cancer Community.

    You know, I went the other way - I am just not bothered about tests, treatments etc - and my mantra is "it is what it is" however this won't resolve your other half's issues.

    As  said exercise is good for you and HT/RT gives you fatigue - sometimes you don't notice but it creeps up on you!! I did notice that you are a member of another forum too so is he worrying about two cancers?  Another idea is to keep him occupied - does he have any hobbies, reading etc? As you rightly say HT/RT is working with a PSA of 0.02.

    A couple of other suggestions - we have a forum Carers only forum you may well get some ideas from the Community members there. You can also ring our support line (it's free) on 0808 808 00 00 (8am-8pm 7 days a week) and the lovely people there will have some help and advice for you.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi DorisW.

    A very warm welcome from yet another wife. It's difficult to help but can I make a couple of suggestions. Distraction techniques can often help. Has he got any hobbies which have lapsed over the years due to time constraints but could now be resurrected. What about things like jigsaws. How about encouraging him to join a Men'sShed if you have one in your area which is a group for men to get together.  Do you have a Maggie's group near you which is for both of you to get support. My husband also suffers from anxiety and I usually just suggest going out for a coffee, lunch or a picnic. Don't forget that your doctor may be able to help by directing you to therapy groups or with individual therapy to try and deal with the anxiety. There are also medications which can help.

    Please come back with any questions no matter how small or silly they might seem. We have all done it.