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how can i get oncology to share my cancer info with Macmillan

  • Hi Eddiel can you give us a bit more detail of what you are looking for.  Macmillan is huge organisation and also local to some hospitals so who is it exactly you want this shared with? Maybe we could help if we had more info if that makes sense? xxx


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  • Hi granny59, i use macmillan online and although the help i get is helpful if they had access to my oncology notes it would be so much better and quicker.

  • Do you have a Macmillan Nurse at your hospital?  Also you should be able to get hold of most of the stuff on your NHS App if you live in England.

  • Hi Freefaller the only info i get on my NHS app is GP related only. There used to be a macmillan hub at urology hospital but it has moved temporarily. As my other hospitals are larger i would think they would. Because of my health situation i use 4 hospitals, take care, Eddie

  • Hello Eddie

    Yes it's a difficult one to be sure as I can confirm being under 3 hospital trusts and the GP.

    The answer is going to be whatever information you wish to share with the MacMillan staff - such as diagnosis or treatment plans is to copy the documentation and take a copy with you for them.

    I know the system SHOULD send copy documentation from Urology and Oncology to your GP and it SHOULD appear under "documents" on your NHS App.- but to use this facility I would think you need FULL access to your NHS records on the App.

    It took me a visit to see our G P practice manager before I got "FULL" access - I had what they called full access but it wasn't.

    Best of luck - Brian.

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    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks Brian, I am at GPs next week and will ask for full access. Like you say they should share, 4 week wait for my oncology notes. take care, Eddie

  • HI Brian unwanted visit to GP today, So asked about accessing my hospital records, She Emailed last 12 months as we talked and will send me last10 years soon, can't believe i have been to hospital 33 times this year, thanks again, Eddie

  • Wow - that's a record you want to keep to yourself!!

    At least you now have access to your records and your G P has been very good in helping with this.

    I hope your visit was nothing too urgent and you are Ok.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • My cardiologist and oncologist have been working together to "hopefully" expand treatment options, need 4 minor heart Ops, had 2, need other 2 before Feb 26 as treatment to be discussed March 25, and thy want heart to have 4 weeks recovery first, I have 3rd one this Thursday 14th and the last one was supposed to be 26th Jan, but has been brought forward to Jan 12th, which is good but messes up trip to Australia, As my GP has been working with my consultants, she is going to try and get me a later date for surgery, PS saw her today as i have an anal tear which opened up this morning, take care, Eddie