Re the Crohn’s

  • 25 replies
  • 113 subscribers

Hi all , I’ve got my pre assessments nxt week and January again for my two bouts of brachnytherapy, but lo and behold Thursday started a Crohn’s flare which resulted in the ambulance guys trying to get me off bedroom floor as it gets bad with stomach cramps etc , so a four day stay and back home this evening, don’t need this added extra with what’s in store re brachnytherapy soon , thank god for morphine at Hossy lol 

  • Hi Jonnymac, I hope it all settles down before the brachytherapy is due and that you will soon begin to feel better. Do you know what causes or triggers the flare ups!?

  • Hello   You are a star - I agree with  I do hope it settles down - I had you booked in for a Brachytherapy party at the end of January!!

    I hope you get through the pre-assessments and your treatment goes ahead.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Jonnymac22 and welcome to the forum. All the best with your brachytherapy treatment in the new year and i hope your IBD settles down soon, take care, Eddie

  • Hi and thanks all , was discharged last night and then this morn was contacted from doctor at hospital to say one of my tests from lab came back positive and called it c diff, infection and isolate etc and a taxi on its way to bring medication to me, and hope nothing gets in way of the brachnytherapy procedures soon , the admission to Hossy was severe abdomen cramps and in legs , but they didn’t have a clue what caused it , but hopefully with what doctor said earlier, that probably caused the cramps , so back on track now after Hossy food 

    Cheers , Jonny mac

  • Hi and I’ll be in on day of my birthday on 22 Jan for second stint ( at least I’ll know what’s coming after the one on the5th ) 

    Cheers , Jonny mac

  • Still shows the email thing on end grrr

    Cheers , Jonny mac

  • Hi  

    It looks like it's on your signature bar. (where my Strength - Courage etc is). Go to your home page and click on the icon of your photo (for god's sake turn it the right way round Joy it's doing my shed in!!) and then settings and the 9th one down - remove the message.

    It's going to cost you more than a drink next year at this rate once you have had your seeds put in - I don't care if you glow in the dark but mine's a pint of best bitter!!

    Cheers- Brian JoyBeers.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Johnnymac.

    Hope you are feeling better. Clostridium difficile can be a nasty bug usually characterised by watery squits, stomach cramps, but can also lead to sepsis so take care. Have you recently had any antibiotics or been in a hospital/ care environment prior to your admission as they are the more usual causes. It is a spore forming bug and I did a bit of research on it many years ago in relation to food poisoning.

  • Hi Jonny - some medications for gastric reflux and/or a recent course of some antibiotics are associated with a higher risk of c diff. It is highly contagious. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Good morning, and yes I recently had a two week course of antibiotics which is regularly every couple of months for chest infections I get re bronchitistsy think that’s how it reads , so just a wait to see if it goes away with treatment, cheers 

    Cheers , Jonny mac