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Recent updates on treatment.

I have localy advanced prostrate cancer, i am on 3 monthly hormone injections, my last meeting mid oct with my  oncology consultant i was told that psa had doubled and they would be looking at changing my treatment, but needed mri first, had that month ago, not heard from oncology yet

Issue i have now is.

2 months ago i started urinating blood, called specialist urology nurse who arranged for a urgent cystocope , (think thats how its spelt )for the following week, blood in urine cleared up be for this, cystocope showed no probs, then had urinary tract mri which came up clear.

Since then i have had a few minor signs of blood, but not really concerning. Until sunday morning, (after few days fairly energetic work) had a really bad output of pure blood, quite frightening to be honest, and this has been going on for 5 days every time i urinate to various degrees.

Contacted urology specialist nurse, who advised to see gp  for uti test, did so same day, dip showed no uti, waited couple days for more indepth lab test, that showed no uti.

Contacted my urology nurse to inform them, they wasnt interested, just told me to go back to my doctors.

Its been a very worrying few days and i am still having same heavy blood loss 

What are peoples thoughts about situation.


  • Hello   We are not medical staff - but to me if that's continuing you need to take some action now.  I would ring 111 now. If you are not happy with that it's a trip to your local walk in centre or last resort A & E. You need to act NOW.

    Let us know how you get on please.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Rob321. i could not agree more with what Brian has said, you need help now, please take care, Eddie

    1. Don't be passed from person to person ring 111.