• 156 replies
  • 123 subscribers

Hello All

I just thought it might be a good idea to have a new thread as Christmas and New Year are catching us up very quickly.

I appreciate that as we get nearer the time people will be busy with family time etc so I thought we could use this thread to discuss Christmas and the New year. Your plans for the festive period and hopes and aspirations for 2024.

There is one thing we all have in common and bonds us together Prostate Cancer - either as the person diagnosed/wife/partner/carer or family member and for some of us 2023 has been a tough old time. It's been a very good year though on the forum I think - everyone has pulled together and been very thoughtful, welcoming to new Community members and amazing at providing help, information and support to each other.- that's what we do.

On a personal note I would like to thank everyone who has helped me during the year - especially since I have had the "Community Champions" hat on - it's very much appreciated and long may it continue, thank you again!!. There will of course be the usual support throughout the festive season from the Community.

So on that note stay safe and have the best Christmas possible and a great 2024.

Best wishes - Brian and Mrs Millibob (Lorraine).

  • It's always good to read your posts Brian, they come with plenty of humour which must help everyone on here.

    Let's all hope for a great 2024 with good outcomes for people still having treatment.

    Best wishes


  • We are a stay at home family for Christmas so Christmas Day we have the full "works" with a big family meal.

    We have our 4 adult children round with various partners, 2 grand children, the odd other relative, 6 dogs and just relax after a fantastic meal by playing cards and traditional games.

    I am looking forward to this years meal - I have history with Christmas though in the last few years:

    2020 - Contracted covid - Christmas Eve 

    2021 - Almost died with kidney failure caused by PCa - Admitted to Hospital Christmas Eve - At least I had the "All inclusive" wristband and was on 3 meals a day plus drinks!!! Discharged 3 January 2022.

    2022 - Very apprehensive about Christmas - first one with a full diagnosis so didn't enjoy it that much.

    2023 - Yes I am going to enjoy this Christmas - I am looking forward to it very much

    2024 - Dry January and diet start!! Rofl.

    Best wishes to all!!

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Brian

    Thank you for your advice through the last year.

    And may I send you best wisher for Christmas and the New Year. And to all who will be reading these posts.


    • Just want to wish everyone here a very happy Christmas and a happy new year and to say a big thank you to each and every one of you who has got me through such a difficult and traumatic year. I will certainly be raising my glass to you all on Christmas day, in fact I might raise it a few times. Together we can support each other and beat this cancer. I couldn't have done it without you all. Xxxxx thank you so much xxxxx
  • Hi Shar - And the same to you to - I just know how you feel!! I did start a new thread earlier today hoping to get all the Christmas / New year stuff together without us having loads of threads.

    Ah well good intentions - Don't worry - You have been amazing this year on your journey supporting your husband and to be honest you have been brilliant in supporting other new members to the Community with your new found skills - not to mention being a great help in supporting me - so a big thanks to you too.

    Best wishes - Brian xx (enjoy that drink - in moderation!!).

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Brian you have helped me so much so a big thank you . You are a great champion. We should have been on a cruise but cancelled it as we weren't sure how hubbie would be following his chemo as his last session was 17 November. We are at home this year, just the three of us including our bunny Blu. We are making up for having to cancel cruises this year and have 5 booked plus a land based holiday to Cyprus in 2024, so alot to look forward to. Everyone on here is amazing and you have all got me through a difficult year. A very happy Christmas to you all xxx

  • I just spotted your post, sometimes they appear and sometimes they don't, I have no idea why

  • It is my nature to try and support people as I was a human resources manager for 30 years and then a counselling manager for 13 years

  • What a wonderful idea this thread is as a way of supporting everyone who is involved in a Prostate Cancer journey, whatever stage it may be at.  

    2022 was a very delayed Christmas due to us both having a bad bout of flu so family were kept away until early January when we finally managed to get together, & then along came my cancer diagnosis in May.  This has made 2023 an interesting year, but  the journey was made easier thanks to the wonderful people on this forum.  Everyone's friendliness, support, honesty & perhaps more importantly humour has been amazing.

    So, here's hoping everyone has the best Christmas they can & best wishes to all for positive news in 2024.
