Night sweats

  • 15 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Any advice from Prostate cancer suffers with some bone spread on the best way to handle night sweats . The irony is I need a bit of heat to ease my joint and bone pain from just starting hormone pills this week . All advice and best practice welcome  

  • Hello  

    I swear by Sage Tablets - Menoforce from Holland & Barrett - they are on the tad expensive side - but plenty of other purchase options are available.

    They took a week or two to get into my system. I now have one a day and sweats now don't bother me.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello Skippy1959.

    My husband has found 1 - 2 cups of sage tea per day has stopped his hot flushes. Long term use of sage can have effects like reducing blood sugar levels, blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. It can also alter the effectiveness of drugs for diabetes, epilepsy and blood pressure amongst other things, therefore, if you are on any kind of medication it is best to check with your medical team before you take any kind of supplement.

    For the aches and pains we have invested in electric over blankets which are cheap to run and save on heating bills. My husband has stage 4 PCa and tends to feel cold despite wearing several layers but having his own personal cuddly blanket has solved the problem of him running cold and me running hot.

  • We went back to sheets and cotton blankets - it's better to have layers you can throw off than have just a duvet.  We have stuck with that as find it more comfortable.  I also used a cooling spray when necessary but I didn't have much trouble with night sweats - at the time we lived in an old converted barn so it was never too hot in the house as it is now in our brand new house.  My wife grumbles all the time about the heat - though these last couple of mornings have been cooler!  My wife still has menopausal hot flushes and has for over 10 years and has never found any medication that works but I know plenty on here who have.  all the best.

  • Hi Freefaller and skippy1959, i went down the medicine route and took medroxyprogesterone as i was having dozens a day Was put on a 10 week course, started working in days totally stopped in 3 to 4 weeks, take care

  • That's brilliant news.

  • Sorry to bring up an old post but my last paragraph may help someone.

    I have been on hormone therapy for almost a year now and experienced sweats for most of that time. After a couple of months I tried Manoforce to ease the frustration of the sweats but after another couple of months gave up on that as it seemed to be of little help.

    Now fast forward to July 2024 when I began 20 fractions of RT completing in mid August. The sweats seem to have got worse now so I'm trying the Menoforce gain. Off on a four week holiday in France next week so I hope they help!

    Now to the crux of the story, Holland & Barrett have (or did yesterday) an offer on these tablets selling at £12.49 reduced from £16.99 for the 30 tablet bottle.


  • Hello Rod  

    Well said!! They worked for me and I am still on them, I know they don’t work for everyone but as my children would say “they are well good”.

    Best wishes- Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Fortunately I have not had any night sweats since before my Chemo . It would appear my body has finally got used to the hormone treatment and adjusted . It is also holding my PSA at below 0.05 which is good news 

  • Hello Skippy. If I remember correctly it must be almost 3 months since your last chemo session? Good news about the PSA and I hope you are getting back to normal.

  • Good to hear from you . I am keeping physically quite well but struggling emotionally with my diagnosis and mental health . Fortunately my Cancer Unit has Psycotherapists and I am lucky enough to have weekly sessions which are helping me a lot to cope and digest my diagnosis . Had a recent staging CT scan and awaiting another bone scan to check on my bone mets. Good to be back in touch with you