Am I allowed?

  • 12 replies
  • 114 subscribers


Am I allowed to think about anything else apart of my husband advanced cancer? I started to learn Spanish in Covid lockdown and in the last 12 days I stopped. I feel guilt to go back to it.  T

Love from Brighton ( rain)


  • Yes.  of course you are allowed and it's important that y0ou think about and do other things whether apart or together for your mental health.

  • Good Morning Dafna

    From a very wet and overcast Oldham.

    At first when you get the cancer diagnosis it can take over your life - there are so many questions, Why me? How will we cope? Will he be ill? What are the side effects? When's my next appointment.

    But life goes on - he's still walking, swimming and nothing's changed. Keep up with your normal activities - some will become harder as the medication kicks in - but just be normal.

    Cancer is a couples disease and you will work through it together - (It's brought me and Mrs Millibob closer if anything) but you must remember to do the normal things and have time out to look after yourself. You need your own time and space and yes, go back to your Spanish classes.

    You are doing great for him - that's what counts - so look after yourself too.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you Brian

    Lots of hugs


  • Hi Freefaller,

    Thank you so much. I am having a wobbly morning so thank you again!

    Lots of love


  • Dafna,

    The advice the others have given is correct.  I would add that although this is a couples disease, I think the early stage was harder for my wife than for me.  For your own sake, please take time for yourself and get yourself in the best frame of mind, so that you are there when he needs you.  
    For the first few weeks and months the diagnosis seems to take over your waking life.  Make time to do normal things.  After 6 years there are still times where cancer dominates our thinking, but these are now very much around appointments or symptom changes.  Generally, life is normal and we both get on with our separate activities.  The rain has stopped and the sun is even shining!  
    Stay strong.


  • Hi David,

    Thank you! I am trying really am.  It is just until the 16th of December after all the scans that we know if its in any other organs apart from the bones and lymps. 

    Thank you for all your support. It does help a lot!

    Best wished 

    Dafna - Rain stops here as well 


    Hi Dafna,

    One of the most important things you need to do is take some time for yourself. Just an hour each day would be great. Go for a walk or study some Spanish. If it helps, here's a picture I took on my walk yesterday afternoon.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hi Seamus,

    Thank you so much for your reply and the beautiful picture. I just read your profile and it is inspirational.

    Yes, I will follow suit and do not give up. Don't let the cancer win!

    We are taking our granddaughter  to London on Sunday to see the Lion King so something to look forward to after the first injection.

    Lots of love form Brighton


  • thank you for sharing lovely photo

  • You'll have a few of those.  they will pass.