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  • 111 subscribers

If anyone has not come across the online teaching/discussion group about managing your side effects it is brilliant. You can bring your partner, receive lots of information and asks as many questions as you like. Afterwards you receive a ADT workbook for free which aids and guides you in managing your own journey. It is excellent, as is the support from Macmillan and Prostate Cancer UK, which partially makes up for the very poor support and guidance I have received from the nhs


  • Hi ToFo welcome to the forum . Ive had a quick look at the link you shared and its origins are in Canada. Is this more about managing from a lifestyle perspective?We are fortunate in my local area thta we have a charity called Prostate Buddies  who support our local Macmillan colleagues.  


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  • It is a group run in England by English practitioners. It's origins are in Canada. This book is brilliant and given free to anyone who attends online.

  • It is about managing the side effects at all stages of the disease and taking control and management of your own individual circumstances. In the meetings there are British patients who have nothing in common but have questions and things to share. It is a one off and provides a very handy resourse. I was referred to it by Prostate Cancer UK and they work together. It is free and anyone woukd be glad they did it.