• 4 replies
  • 110 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer into the bones and nodes in the pelvic area last Thursday with MRI. Is anyone offered PSMA PET scan to know if the cancer spread to other parts of the body?

  • Hello jacobanddafna.

    Our hospital trust (in England) uses the results of a PSMA PET scan to complete diagnosis once prostate cancer has been found in biopsy. However, not all hospitals have these machines yet. My husband had his biopsy in January this year and wording of letter re scan stated: : ‘as the biopsy results have come back as a grade group 3, it is hospital protocol that any patient with grade group 3 and above have a PSMA PET-CT scan to complete staging. The results of the PSMA PET-CT scan will inform the treatment plan’. 

    Unfortunately, the trust only has one PSMA machine currently and there was a long backlog at the time so he then had to wait 9 weeks for the scan and a further few weeks for results. However, the PET scan was clear so the peace of mind knowing the cancer was still contained within the prostate was probably worth the extra worry of waiting for final staging. The long delay certainly gave us plenty of time to research possible treatment pathways and make informed decisions once the time came (with a lot of information and advice from many good people on this forum)

    I wish you and your husband well. As soon as treatment starts you will begin to feel more in control again. For now, my advice would be to trust the medical staff, ask as many questions as you need to, and use this forum to find answers, support, understanding and humour as much as you want. The good people here will help. All you have to do is ask.

  • Thank you so much for the reply. How is your husband now and what treatments he has>

    Many thanks in advance for any information

  • He started on 6 months of hormone therapy in June. Some side effects - waist and chest grown and frequent hot flushes but all bearable. He’s also had 8 of 20 radiotherapy sessions which are going well so farFingers crossedThe aim is all finished by Christmas Fingers crossedthen we get on with enjoying life again. 

    Stay strong xx

  • Thank you! I wish you and your husband the best recovery and good health and we will beat this cancer!!

    God bless