Cyclophosphamide causing my dad to smell weird

  • 1 reply
  • 110 subscribers

Hi my dad has stage 4 prostate cancer and despite trying various treatments it's very aggressive so the oncologist has started him on cyclophosphamide. He is doing really well on it and he's on day 7 of his two week oral tablet cycle. Today I came home from work and my room where he sits during the day smells of a sweet pungent smell. For anyone here who is a health care professional the only way to easily describe it is the smell of c.diff. he is fully continent in his bowels and has not had any diarrhoea but is complaining of a grumbling tummy. Is this something the chemo tablets can do?

  • Hi Angel526 welcome to the forum. I dont know a lot about the particular drug to which you refer, however I do know a  few friends who are undergoing not too dissimilar treatment at present, and some have loose bowels and some have smelly passing of wind which even they find diffficltl to be around. Is it possible that this is what is happening  for your dad with the rumbling tummy? 

    Is it worth calling the GP if it persists and you are concerned?

    Best wishes for now .   


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