Some Good News

  • 6 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I had my latest PSA test done yesterday and got the result this afternoon! That's the fastest turnaround ever for my tests. Anyway, it's still at 0.2 which is the same as the last two tests, so still in remission. Rowing and walking continue unabated but I haven't been for a swim for a few weeks as there's not enough hours in each day and not enough days in the week!

  • Excellent news Seamus, and yes, that is a fast result. What have you planned for reward?



  • Yes!! Well done Seamus that's magic - You keep going pal and good on you.

    It's great to be able to share your good news, I know you do your best to exercise and it's paying off.

    I must confess to having my 1st post RT PSA test last week which was 0.576 so I am well pleased with that. I have the NHS England app and did the test at my GP surgery at 9.30am and the results were up on the app by 5.00pm.

    I am not too sure Henry our rescue Greyhound is impressed with my new exercise regime - I am trying to do 10000 steps a day and every time I get up to go for a walk he's out with me - he is slim enough already!!

    Keep it up and as Peter says a reward/celebration is in order.

    Best wishes


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  • Excellent news Seamus

    Best wishes


  • Thanks all for your good wishes. 10000 steps is nearly 5 miles which is a bit further than I walk most days. We got a new rescue dog at the end of April and I totalled 160km in May including both rowing and walking, which is only 3 miles a day.

    This weekend I have the last session in my five week "Learn 2 Row" course on the canal in an eight. It's great fun but more a case of unlearning many years of rowing in fixed seat sea boats! I don't think the Oxbridge crews will be needing my help any time soon.

    We are off to our favourite restaurant tomorrow for lunch so an alcohol-free beer might be in order. I hope that counts as a celebration.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Brilliant news! So very pleased for you!

  • Brilliant news!  I know what you mean about there not being enough hours in the day though.