post surgery results

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  • 110 subscribers

My husband had surgery to remove his prostate just over 8 weeks ago (in April 2023)  and is recovering well. We have been anxiously awaiting his post surgical follow up appointment to hear the results and to find out whether he is now clear or will need any further follow treatment in the form of radiotherapy. From reading posts on hear, I see that this is usually anything from 6 weeks post surgery, so we were already feeling anxious and impatient to hear the news. A telephone appointment was scheduled for 10am this morning and over an hour late, it finally came through - only to be told absolutely nothing!! The guy we spoke to asked if he had had a blood test to check his PSA - we told him that we had queried this a couple of weeks ago as to why he hadn't been called for one and had been told they wouldn't check it until his 3 month appointment! He then went on to tell us that the histology results from the surgery weren't available yet and we would be sent an appointment to discuss them in a month's time at a 3 month post op appointment. 

Has anyone else had to wait this long for surgical results or am I wrong in thinking most people hear with 6-8 weeks post op? The anxiety of not knowing whether this has been successful or not is causing so much stress and upset, not to mention being unable to plan anything to do with our lives going forward. I'm struggling to see exactly what the point of this morning's phone call was for either side. No information was given or received and it has just left us both feeling really frustrated and upset.

    • Not sure whether this applies in England or specifically to cancer related information, but we have been able to ask our GP to access the hospital database and have been given more detailed  information by him, re other conditions, than we have subsequently been given by the hospital.  My husband has also asked the GP for a PSA test during his ongoing hormone therapy (one GP wouldn't whilst my husband is with a Consultant, but another did and the result, rightly or wrongly - everyone is different - put our minds at rest.)  The waiting  is very stressful and easy to say not to worry about what you can't  control,  but we hope you get the information you need in the very near future.
  • I think 6-8 weeks is normal but would imagine all hospitals different I would ask your GP to do  one , shouldn't be a problem.

    3 months does seem a long time to be thinking about if it was a success.

    Having said that I had to wait 6 months for for a PSA after RT which is fairly normal.

    good luck


  • It is not unusual to wait 3 months here.  Our next door neighbour has breast cancer.  Had a mastectomy at the end of March only actually had her histology results 2 weeks ago and started chemotherapy today as it was found to have spread to the lymph nodes.  Another neighbour along the road had womb cancer, had a hysterectomy and also waited 3 months or so for the histology results.  The reasons given is that at some hospitals now this pathology is "contracted out" to private laboratories.  Our next door neighbour had an appointment cancelled every Friday for all the weeks the hospital were waiting for her histology results - she either had a call on the Thursday at about 4.30pm or 10.00am on the Friday to cancel that Friday's appointment - it was and is an absolute nightmare.