PSA & Testosterone levels

  • 4 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi my husband has Metastised Prostate Cancer. Starting PSA 102. On 3monthly Prostao injections & Enzalutamide. PSA level 0.49 but Testosterone level is 0.3 from 0.2 last month.Shoild this be a concern or have others had this fluctuation.

  • Hi Susielou. Sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis but he seems to be on the right path.

    The injections and tablets(?) are to reduce the testosterone as the cancer needs this to grow. 

    Your husband's PSA and Testosterone levels are very low so I wouldn't worry about them.

    Hope this helps



  • Thank you Peter, it's just the testosterone reading I was surprised at as I thought it would stay the same at least, but as you say the levels are low. Speaking to Oncologist next week so will ask them too.


  • Hi Susuielou56

    My lowest testosterone was 0.7 , I too was having prostap injections every 3 months plus bicalutamide every day for 4 months . I personally feel it’s not too much of a concern, it’s still extremely low which is what you want . 

    Hope this helps all the best,


  • Thank you Tony. Take care x
