Stressed Out And Hacked Off

  • 3 replies
  • 111 subscribers

A quick synopsis of my situation ....

Prostate removal May 3rd ... 1st Catheter removal May 10th .. in agony .. A&E, scan not healed urine leaking into abdomen .. re-admitted to hospital and re-catheterized. Discharged from hospital after 2 nights ...... scan the following Friday, the bladder still hasn't healed. Then the next day, Saturday, I suddenly started getting really painful bladder spasms which caused blood to spurt out down the sides of catheter it was like a massacre in my bathroom !!! .. back to A&E .. re-admitted to hospital ... after 3 nights was let out again .... despite the fact there was still blood draining into my catheter ... the Doctor said he wasn't too concerned and although it wasn't normal it does happen that it can drag on. I now have another scan due on the 20th June to check it has healed then I can have the catheter removed ...... I am full of dread that it is never going to heal or that it will heal but the join will burst open again.. I am worried that I have been bleeding virtually non stop since May 3rd. By the 20th June I will have had my catheter in for 7 weeks !!!!!!

Has anyone else had a bad experience like this? .. I am at the end of my tether and utterly down and fed-up with it all ... I suppose I just need reassurance

Thank you

  • Hello NickW

    I hope that it is ok with you but I saw your post and thought that if I reply it will bring it back to the top in the forum and hopefully someone who has had a similar experience will read it and be able to offer support. 

    I am sorry that you are still experiencing pain and bleeding from your catheter after your prostate removal. This must be really uncomfortable for you. I hope that you have been given pain relief that is helping. Maybe if it continues to cause you so much discomfort you could consider contacting your CNS for further advice and reassurance. I can understand how it is making you feel at the end of your tether and fed up. 

    In the mean time if there is anything else you need please do ask



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane .. thankfully, and touch wood ..I don't want to speak too soon and tempt fate .. but it seems to be settling down ...although I have 2 more weeks till my next scan to see if it has all healed properly 

  • Hi Nick

    Am glad it is showing signs of settling. It sounds really unpleasant for you. Good luck for the scan



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm