Prostap side effects

  • 10 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Iv been on hormone injections for over 5 years after radiotherapy and chemotherapy but recently bee feeling low a bit depressed I suppose any one had same problems and what did you do about it if anything. Cheers Richard 

  • I also had depression after 4 years on Prostap 3 monthly

    Bad insomnia as well.  I take Amitriptyline at night to help sleep and Sertraline has massively helped my depression.

    Dont suffer, get onto your GP, nag them if necessary.  It can be helped.

  • My gp has given me a link to talking therapy run by the NHS I'm waiting to hear from them so hopefully they may help. Thank you for replying. Regards Richard 

  • Hi Richard.  I also tried the NHS therapy, but was told “about16-18 weeks wait”

    I was told that Macmillan are doing therapy in conjunction with BUPA.  Not tried myself but Worth asking your local Macmillan nurse.

    Good Luck, we’re still vertical JoyThumbsup


  • Hi   I’m on sertraline 6 month injections too much, on three monthly. It’s sh*t but generally feel better, less severe lows not saying none but fewer

  • The Prostap injections have caused me to feel depressed and anxious. I have also become more emotional, particularly over friendships and relationships, and I have lost confidence. I was advised by the oncologist that there are some suitable medications (he could liaise with my GP) but we decided that they could be rather a blunt instrument. I am ploughing on but I have sometimes been tempted to try the medication. 

    I walk every day, even if it’s only a couple of miles.

    I do hope you feel better soon.

  • Thanks for the reply its good to hear from others as I'm sure we all feel a little alone with it all. The side effects are something we live with as the alternative is not taking the medication and that's not the way to go. Onwards and upwards 

  • It's been a while but got onto talking therapy but unless I'm going to top myself they can't help which is fine as there are others far worse off than me and I'm staying around as long as possible even if I'm just annoying everyone lol. Not keen on taking meds so am trying other things walking etc.

  • Hello Richard

    We haven't spoken before I don't think - but I love the idea of staying around annoying everyone - that sounds like a plan.

    Just a quick one with my "Community Champs" hat on - are you Ok or do you want me to try and find you some additional help - I know you are on long term HT - but there is help around if you are interested?

    If you don't want to post on a public forum - my mailbox is open if you want a chat.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Emotional issues are a big part of out journey unfortunately, I’ve found yoga, meds and ensuring proper rest, 

    being 55 I’m too young to retire but full time work at times is tough. Perhaps   macmillan has support available, I had help through we hear you a local charity 

  • Hello Richard

    Yes it's an emotional ride and I am 68 - still working full time to keep my mind active and still learning new skills everyday!!

    The first two places I advise people to check out are:

    * "Maggie's" - This is a nationwide support charity for anyone affected by cancer - they have centres throughout the UK and offer a range of support services. To find your local "Maggie's" - 0300 123 1801 or or

    * MacMillan's - We have a range of services available - just call our helpline free on 0808 808 00 00 (8am - 8pm 7 days a week).

    I have a few other contacts if there's nothing you fancy there  - but give them a go - they are both great. You have taken the first step in talking about needing help so you are half way there.

    I do hope you can find something - I am always about if you want a chat or anything else.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.