
  • 8 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi All,

My Dad was diagnosed in Nov'22 and these were his results on paper;

Gleason score 3+4 in 7 cores. Stage T3b in right side. N0 M0 CPG 3 WO 2 PSA 16.

He started hormone therapy straight away and radiation is due to start next week. He went yesterday to the oncology appt to discuss his radiotherapy and she said she looked at his bone scan and there is a really small lesion in his rib. She doesn't know whether it is secondary bone mestatsis or not? His treatment will still remain the same either way.

Why only now has he been told this, how many other consultants would have looked at it? Should chemo now be offered?

We were originally obviously shocked but found a positive in the results that it was T3b and no bone or lymph node involvment. He hasn't had any more scans so is it just a case that a more senior consultant happened to pick it up? 





  • Hi Nick. Welcome to the club, and I am sorry to hear about your dad.

    I think it's a hard job in viewing scans/x rays/MRI's and mistakes and uncertainties will always arise. I can't comment on your dad and once his RT has been completed I would be back onto them to see what further action they intend to take.

    My urologist thought the little sods had left the gland from my MRI scan, however the oncologist thought otherwise and I had RT to both the prostate and the lymph nodes. In your case it looks like it's the other way round.

    I hope that your dad is OK with the RT and you get the answers you need.

    Kind Regards - Brian.

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  • Hi Nick, might I ask who the ‘she’ was who looked at his bone scan?  could you get a copy of the bone scan report?


  • Hi, so we saw the urologist in November who gave us the diagnoses of T3b N0 M0 and a treatment plan and he saw the oncologist last week to discuss the RT and she (the oncologist) said she spotted a lesion on his rib that might mean bone mets. Obviously we are back worried again, we don't understand how he had the diagnoses for her then to say this last week.

  • Hi Nick, sorry to hear.

    Just checking what scans your dad has actually had.

    Is the oncologist finding possible mets def from a bone scan?

    It does seem very odd that it was not picked up before 

    Was the oncologist asked why this has just come to light now.


  • Hi Steve,

    Yes he has had them all from July-November last year. CT, MRI and bone. Biopsy as well obviously.

    After the MDT meeting he was diagnosed with T3b N0 M0 as on the MRI they could see it coming out the prostate. His treatment plan was given for HT for 3months then RT which starts next weeks and then further HT for another 2 years.

    The oncologist said she picked it up but it might be a lesion from trauma and they wouldn't know until he was off HT. Just find it very deflating thinking something when it could be something else. Also I thought if they suspected bone mets his treatment plan would change.

  • Must admit, pretty poor show, obviously it may not be mets but they can't tell at the moment.

    No, don't think the treatment can change at this stage.

    At least HT will keep it at bay.

    Worth asking why not picked up before.

    Stats are not particularly high so hopefully it's not mets.

    Think T3b means in the seminal vesicles, have they said that is the case 


  • We did ask and she said it was really small and she only just saw it?

    Yes we have been told invasion of Seminal Vesicles and also intent to cure but not sure now because of this possible met.

  • Yes T3b still potentially curable.

    • I would say that with a PSA of 16 mets unlikely. also Gleeson indicates non aggressive.
    • You'll have to see how things go , hope all goes well, keep us posted.

    Best wishes
