Vague scan results

  • 5 replies
  • 111 subscribers


my husband has been stage 4 with bone and lung mets for 18months and doing well on HT.  however recent bone and Ct scan was explained as having one or two new small hot spots.

told nothing to worry about PSA 0.1 because they may have been there before but older scanners might not have picked them up.

what do you make of that? Is it progressing or not?? I wish he had just said no change. 

what a rollercoaster it all is. Should I go back and ask for more information? My husband is in a lot more pain than he used to be. 

love Louli xx

  • Hello Louli, this is a difficult question to answer because I don’t know you personally and how you really feel. So, please forgive me for applying this to what I would do rather than telling you what you should do!  I am somebody who needs to feel I have even the tiniest bit of control in a situation over which we have all control of our lives taken away from us. Having some minuscule bit of knowledge gives me some sense of control whereas not knowing makes me feel I have less control. So, I would want to know more detail. Even knowing the worst helps me to prepare for what might or might not come next, so to speak.

    on the other hand, does getting answers and finding bad news run the risk of causing even greater anxiety that you could well do without right now?

    then, does your husband himself  want to know or, even, want you to know?

    I know this is not a perfect answer but I hope that telling you how I approach these things might just help you.

    others here might also be able to tell you about their own experiences of having new cancer hot spots and what has happened.

    I just wanted to reply to let  you know that I’m thinking of you both and hoping that this, too, might help


  • I am not a medical professional but I believe this may very well be the case or it could have been that these spots were just too small to be picked up on the scans previously.  For the time being the PSA is still good so from that it does not seem to be progressing.  I imagine this is why they have said that as if there had been a rise in PSA as well as finding these spots then yes, I would imagine then they would tell you it is progressing.  I am presuming he is in pain from the Mets and it is possible to have treatment to those areas which would alleviate the pain.  If I was you I would try and contact your consultant via his secretary and ask about this - or his key worker or cancer nurse at the hospital if he has one. 

    sending hugs.

  • Thank you so much… you and I are kindred spirits I believe. I need to be able to assume a little more control to prepare myself if only in my head.

    This is hard enough without a huge sudden shock one day. We know it’s stage 4 with distant mets and I’ve taken time off work and need more as things stand right now.

    I will keep you posted.


    Louli xx

  • You are a darling .. thank you… that’s just what I was thinking. 
    I will contact her asap. Keep you posted.

    Big hug,

    Louli xx

  • Likewise, I’ve stepped back from most of my work. I reached breaking point last week and it was suggested that I needed to step back. The relief of not having to think about it was tremendous!

    take care of yourself and your hubby! X