Struggling with the waiting.

  • 14 replies
  • 113 subscribers

I had my biopsy last week, whilst I am getting a good sleep (in fact that’s all I really want to do) every time I wake up it’s like a tidal wave of negative thoughts crash down on me. It’s my worst day since all this PC started. Just can’t even grasp at anything positive. 

  • Hi D, sorry to hear

    You don't give any stats so difficult to comment. It is very stressful to begin with but does get better. when u get the biopsy result and a treatment plan then can only get better.

    Post back when u have some more detail to enable people on here to give best advice

    best wishes


  • Good Afternoon Daniel - And welcome - I know you don't want to be here but in my view and considering my journey - the biopsy - is over and done with, and that for me over 12 months ago was the worst part.

    The positives are that you will soon be receiving your results and then you can move forward once a plan of attack has been made. most people here call it a journey and it's like waiting for a train or a bus, Once I got over the shock of the initial diagnosis, I set my mind to beating PC whatever it takes, yes there's plenty of waiting for results and treatment but there are plenty of positives to be had. Once you get your results and you know where you are going put them up here and there will be plenty of great help and advice - the people on here have been great with me.

    The final positive is you have been diagnosed with the PC and you are now on the road to treatment and recovery.

    Best wishes for your future journey. Brian.

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  • Daniel H,

    As Steve and Brian said, it does get better.  It's the shock and the word "Cancer" that terrified me.

    I know it's hard.  There are plenty of folk in this forum who have been exactly where you are.

    All the best.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Many thanks Steve,Brian and Steve. I had been reasonably ok after MRI doing lots of research and reading, and getting involved in a couple of threads on this forum. 
    I was even beginning to form a preference of treatment should it be deemed appropriate. But since the biopsy a just can’t visualise anything but gloom and despair.

  • DanielH,

    Not everybody gets the same side effects.  In fact some don't get any at all.  We are all different.

    Sometimes you can read too much into it.  I was advised when I was first diagnosed in May 2021, not to thing past my next appointment, and to concentrate on today.  I had all the books and pamphlets from Macmillan, detailing side effects, etc...  I know it's hard, but try not to think too far ahead.

    It really helped me. 

    Hope it can help you too.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • If you want to give us your PSA and what your MRi says we may be able to give u some words of comfort.

    In general PSA being under 20 is not too bad and MRI showing cancer contained in the gland, always worth knowing the tumour size in mm , doesn't always say.

    So let's assume PSA 13 and a 10,mm tumour well contained 

    Potentially curable with really no major issues.

    All the best


  • Hi Steve. MRI results 

    PSA (ug/l): 4.39 on 23/11/2022.
    PSA (ug/l): 3.75 on 01/09/2022.
    MRI 12mm Likert 5 lesion in 2a2p4a4p Prostate volume 31cc (T2N0 broad capsular contact)

    seminal vesicles invasion. No

    Bone lesions. No

    Lymph nodes. None

    I’m an otherwise very fit 62 year old.
    Thanks. Daniel

  • So that looks ok, hopefully biopsy will be 6 or 7 but even if higher still potentially curable 

    My PSA was similar when I started treatment after 4 years on AS  I went for RT.

    So I think u can cheer up a bit, you'll be ok.

    All u have do now is to decide which treatment, RT or surgery.

    Am sure you:ve already looked online, make sure u consider all potential side effects for both treatments.


  • Thanks Steve. 
    Im thinking RP but the incontinence issues scare me, and although I think I’d trade ED for cancer free I worry that’s easier to say than to live with. 
    Im not sure if RT is always combined with HT? HT really scares me but I haven’t done much research on it yet. 
    Thank you again for your reassurance. 

  • HT normally is together although I only had RT.

    There are side effects with HT but they do go away with time and with your stats hopefully u wouldn't be on for long.

    Not everyone has problems with surgery, think quite a bit depends on surgeon.

    ED and urinary issues but often the latter goes away, same with ED some of the time
