Excessive eggy farting

  • 3 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Been taking Enazalutmide since June 2022 and Furosemide since August 2022.

Recently experienced more farting than normal and very smelly like eggs.

Anyone else had these sort of symptoms?

Bit concerned there may be something else lurking within to make my life even worse.


  • Hi snapper49, I take 92 tablets a week which of them creates wind is unknown, a few times per week my wife tells my I stink and demands I go to the bathroom, problem is one of the tablets I take dayly it relaxes my blader and Colon mussels, I don't get much of a warning and can't hold it in. As I have no scence of smell I have to accept other people's opinions.

  • Ulls, do you rattle when you walk?

    92 tablets a week

    I've just added mine up, just a paltry 49 a week.

    Suppose you are lucky if you do have eggy farts.  Not so much Mrs Ulls!

    Think my only eggy farts were from egg and tomato sandwiches.

    Snapper, are the Hormone tablets making you constipated?  That could be a factor.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Snapper49,
    I am on Enzalutamide and Zoladex since March 21 and it has definitely resulted in more wind.  I found it got a bit worse around the time of the Zoladex injection but it is fairly constant!  Not sure about the smelly eggs, that sounds rather unpleasant.
    Cheers Steve