Lost libido

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  • 113 subscribers

Hi its Jed1 been on forum a couple of weeks posted a message have not quite got the hang of the site yet was diagnosed with prostate cancer couple years ago had bone test which was all clear radio therapy went well then two years hormone injection wich have just finished only problem I have is my sex life did get tablets tablets from doctor partly worked any advice thanks

  • It will take time to get this sorted in the time the HT eventually leaves your body.  I was on HT for 9 months and it took nearly a year to get back to normal but I did get back eventually. My Oncologist told me the longer you are on HT the longer it will take to get back to normal and said it could take about 6 to 9 months for me - at about 5 months - things started to change and between 6 and 9 months got better and better until at my second 6 month check with him after completing treatment I was pleased to say that I was back where I was at the start.  You can get help from physiotherapists and PCa nurses if this continues to be a problem - make sure you mention this at your next review.  Tablets will help as they say "use it or lose it"  so whatever you can do to keep going whether it is use of a vaccuum pump or tablets will help in the fight back to normality.

  • Freefaller, Jed,

    I was on the Hormones for 12 months, libido totally disappeared so the E.D. didn't bother me.

    Because of all my other medication and conditions I couldn't have the Viagra or even a Vacuum Pump.

    Christmas Eve was my last 6 monthly injection.  There's something beginning to wake up (down there).  I am just being patient, still no libido, no urges.

    Best wishes to you both.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • To be honest I couldn't have really cared less whether I got that back or not - just pleased to still be alive and breathing!

  • Hi Freefaller

    I can agree with you 100% there - it's not the end of the world - being on this Journey you discover there's much more important things in life than the odd rumble in the jungle!!Grin

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  • Hi this sounds like exactly what has happened to my boyfriend since starting hormone therapy.  What tablets are you talking about helping. We have both always had a very passionate,hot sexual relationship. Any advice would be grateful received. 

    Many thanks


  • I don't know if it's the little blue Viagra tablets or not.

    Don't tell anyone but there's a bit of life down there.

    I might get a new libido for Christmas...or not.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Still struggling think I need to talk to someone face to face on my own to help wish ì could make it better 

  • Jed,

    Being in a Prostate Cancer Support Group at my local Maggie's in Newcastle helped me a lot.

    There are no "off limit" things to discuss.  I found that with some things "I thought it was only me", but when discussed, it was basically all of us.

    Before PC, naturally sex was on my mind quite a bit, not as much as when I was young though.

    Basically about a month after I started on the Hormones, everything stopped, urges, thoughts, everything.

    In a way I think this is better for me as I am not thinking about what my body can't do.  I then learned that it was my libido which had crashed.

    If it comes back, all well and good.

    Do you still have your libido?

    There was a bit of life down there, gone again!

    Counselling really helps.

    I start more counselling in January, plus I am having mental health issues at work.  I have been accepted into a 9 month course to deal with 'Mental Health issues at Work '.

    Hopefully this will straighten out my issues.

    Talking about issues in this forum also helps as you find more and more men are going through exactly what you are.

    All the best, keep in touch.

    Steve (SteveCam)