Hot flushes

  • 5 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi all, 2 months since I last posted. Hot sweats as bad as ever. At least one every 10-15 minutes and that's taking 300mg cyperatone acetate per day!!  This is triple recommended dose!! Towels and clothing are soaking after each bout, consuming life as no sleep, hot, cold, shivering, sweating and repeat, relentless today over 3 hours consistently x exhausted x anyone have any other suggestions or experience of proverb?

  • Hi Misses O

    Yes I can recommend Provera, I took it for some time after my treatments, it does work, you have to see you doctor about getting it. Hope this helps.

    stay safe


  • Have deepest sympathy with you, I'm on 14-15 flushes per day and 4 or 5 per night, often sleeping for 2 hours solid after a bad one.  I did find that sage oil capsules helped a lot but don't seem to be having such an effect now. Might try coming off them and try evening primrose to see if they help. I do know that the body can get used to a lot of treatments so it's worth taking a break and trying something else for a while, although the sage do take about 4 weeks to kick in. If it starts to get you down then please see your GP for anti depressants, we're all bad for talking about mental health and asking for help, but believe me after only 1 week on a low dose I'm beginning to feel a bit better about the side effects and the future. Stay strong and speak to someone for help if you need it.

  • A follow up from my post a month ago. I was put on antidepressants, a low dose of Venlafaxine 37.5 mg twice a day which my doctor said would help my depression and reduce the effects of the flushes and sweats (my oncologist agreed with this).  Absolutely amazing response, instead of having sweat running and dripping off me, my skin now gets clammy and I only sweat if I'm doing something physical. I was also put on folic acid which was near the lower level and that has helped my fatigue a lot. So if you haven't tried the Provera that others have suggested, stress to your GP or Oncologist how much it's getting you down and ask for Venlafaxine.  Managed to do more gardening in 3 days than I had done in the previous 6 months.  Also they agreed that I could go onto 1 monthly injections so if it gets bad again I can stop quickly. Hope this helps. All the best.

  • Hi Harry, thanks for your response he has already tried venoflaxine to no avail!!  He is presently taking the acetate every 8 hours on the dot (100mg each time). We have discussed taking a complete break from all hormone injections as presently his quality of life is very poor x