Prostate Cancer: Did you change your diet after your diagnosis?

  • 10 replies
  • 113 subscribers

Hello all. 

67, Caucasian male, recently diagnosed Stage 1, localized. 

Have any of you changed your diet on the advice of your doctor? i.e. Are you eating more tomatoes (or drinking tomato juice)? Have you completely cut out meat and dairy? Have any of you taken flaxseed? 

It seems no matter what road I travel down, I cannot find hard core evidence that drinking tomato juice, pomegranate juice, or cranberry juice makes any difference and/or including flaxseed in your diet makes a difference. It seems there are "suggestions" that these things "might" make a difference, but I do not see any reports from Medical Journals that distinctly say, "Yes, our studies show that drinking X/Y/Z juice or eating A/B/C food will help to lower PSA rates and/or will help battle your prostate cancer.

Would love to know what others have learned, if anything. 

  • Hi

    I too have seen similar reports. A few years ago ( before diagnosis) I drank a good glass of tomato juice. Made no difference but did give me gout!

    If you go down the HT/RT route you will need to change your diet to help mitigate bowel issues. The only time I had any issues was whenI ignored the diet sheet - not funny!

    Good luck with your decision and journey.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Thank you. Yes. Whatever diet sheet they give me, I will stick with it, no matter how deadly it might be. Thank you for taking the time to respond. 

  • Hi Dee

    From other of your posts, I don't think you are in the UK but, from my experience here, they may not offer a diet sheet. I only found out about it from another patient and had to ask. 

    The suggested diet I was given, goes against everything I believed to be a good diet. No wholemeal anything, for example, or green leafed veg.

    You can ease off the diet once the RT finished.

    If you have any problems I can let you have a copy of mine.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Had I had RT at the first cancer centre I went to I would have followed a diet sheet just for the weeks of radiotherapy.  At the cancer centre where I chose to have radiotherapy attached to a major University Teaching Hospital they didn't do that but gave a mini enema before each RT session for the first half of the treatment.    All the time before and after radiotherapy I followed a healthy diet minimal red meat - in fact minimal meat and mostly fresh fruit and vegetables all scratch cooked.  Pomegranate juice made me wee for Britain - I was hardly off the loo and when I told my urologist he said there is no real peer reviewed scientific evidence that this does anything.  If there was then all the urologists would be advocating this whereas allt hey can say is that some people find that drinking this or eating this may help.  Undoubtedly some people find it helps just like one guy I know personally swore taking CBD Oil helped - I tried it and it did nothing for me either for my PSA or my chronic back and neck pain - and I took it under the guidance of a pharmacist who had done a study into using CBD oil for the treatment of pain.  Funnily enough for years before my diagnosis my wife and I had been drinking and 8oz glass of  tomato juice every day before our dinner in the evening and we still do.  It made no difference whatsoever and I still developed  PCa. 

    What they have found is that a good healthy mediterranean style diet is good for us overall so it can help us stay healthy and aid recovery from illnesses and disease because we were more healthy to start with.  We need to avoid being overweight and follow a healthy diet and keep fit.  I never have been overweight and keep fit exercising as much as I can.  It was my job for 37 years to do this as a PE Instructor and sportsman and sports coach.  at my advanced age i still go to the gym at least 4 times a week.    All the men in my immediate family and my late wife's family have had PCa with her brother dying from it at 68 having been diagnosed at 55.  Both my late wife and her only sister had thyroid cancer and ovarian cancer unfortunately my wife died at 57 from ovarian cancer that was found too late as it had been treated for 2 years as IBS.  Thankfully her sister recovered and is still with us.  I think this family history has a lot to do with our individual r risk of getting cancer.  When you think 1 in 8 men will get Prostate cancer and 1 in every 2 of us will get cancer at some stage in our lives it stands to reason that a lot of those people who get cancer will be fit and healthy organic eating vegetarians and vegans. 

    I would say try these things, pomegranate juice, CBD oil or whatever and see if they help you - everything is worth a try - it might work for you. I can't count the number of things I tried for my back and neck pain some of the things seemed to relieve it a little for a short while - was that a placebo effect - who knows?  Nothing worked long term.  Eating healthily,  keeping fit, moving around even if the pain was too bad - just moving a little and then a little more until getting the best mobility I could that day worked better than anything else.  The most important thing though is a good mental attitude and positivity.  Get up, get washed, get dressed smile and face the day and keep occupied.

  • Freefaller,

    I'm glad I don't like Pomegranate juice.

    All the Oncologist told me was to keep away from Caffeine, especially when going through the Radiation treatment.  I did this.

    At my Radiation sessions I asked for a diet sheet.  I think it might have been you who originally said about one last year.  They said just to keep away from the Caffeine and Alcohol while on the Radiation.

    I was looking forward to a proper diet sheet... honest!

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Dee,

    What part of Japan are you from?  Are you going to get your treatment there?  Does Japan have the equivalent of the NHS?  Or is it like the USA when you have to have private health insurance?

    Lots of questions... Being nosey, well not really nosey, just inquisitive.

    It's good to know how things happen elsewhere.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • They never even mentioned alcohol or caffeine to me ever at either hospital.  Didn't have alcohol anyway caffeine yes probably but always decaffeinated tea and coffee for me - been on decaff for decades.

  • Freefaller,

    If they'd wanted volunteers to drink copious amounts of alcohol, all in the name of science, I suppose I could have had volunteered. 

    Just for science of course!!!

    Can't remember the last time I had a pint!!

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Yo!

    You are the most precious thing to you on the planet right now...

    Sleep well.

    Drink clean water.

    Don't eat processed shite.

    Eat n drink things that you think help you!!!

    If 3 people in my boat say drinking pomegranate juice gonna help me help my own body. I'm doing it.   

    Same with manuka honey, leafy greens, melon, eggs, then I'll eat n drink it...

    I get fresh air, sunlight, exercise

    I look after my self and see how that goes.

  • Hi Steve, 

    I don't mind the questions. I live in Tokyo. Yes, I'll get my treatment here. Yes, Japan has its own National Health Insurance. I'm an American, and having NHI is about a BILLION times better than any insurance I ever had before (which I had to pay handsomely for).
