
  • 14 replies
  • 111 subscribers

I have noticed that since I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer last year I have been able to waffle on and on and on...  If there was an Olympic event, I think I could bring a medal Medalhome.

My latest waffle is about PEK Chopped Pork.  You either love it or hate it.

When I was a child, my mother would buy tins of this to make sandwiches for our School Packed Lunches.  I loved it, especially the jelly on the outside!  Mmm...

Last year we bought a tin and forgot about it.  Then I found it again last week.  I thought "PEK sandwiches".

Talk about taking you back to your childhood.  I opened the tin, and there it was, the jelly, they still leave the jelly on.

So I cut a little piece off, with jelly on, wow did that taste take me back 50 years!!!

So I had another piece, still kept most of it for my baits.  I made PEK salad, with Salad Cream.

At work one of my workmates was nearly sick at the thought of it.  His wife buys it for herself but washes the jelly off under the tap.

The jelly is the best bit!!!

Don't know if anyone will reply to this.  All you PEK lovers out there!!!

  • Reply to myself first, I like to try to take people's minds off anything serious, if only for a couple of minutes.  It does help to laugh once in a while.

    When I was going through some of the worst days last year, if I could laugh at something totally different, nothing to do with the Cancer, it really did help.

    My diaries now, I'm glad I kept them going.  I have over 1 year to look back on.  Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Steve, my wife likes to chop it into small pieces, which she spreads on toasted cheese and keeps under the grill for a minute or so, thinks it's great.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Ulls,

    That sounds great, definitely going to try that, next time I have some.

    I can even smell it cooking.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Steve

    Genius post! RoflRofl



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Steve, my wife say tell you, great a convert enjoy 

  • Hi Scampi what are you doing to get fit I'm trying to get fit as well 

  • Stuart,

    Did you see what Mrs Ulls does with her PEK?  Absolutely amazing eh!!!

    I have another one.  Yesterday I was looking for something different for my dinner as my partner wasn't very well.  She's a Veggie, and we had a tin of Heinz Ravioli.  Used to love that as a kid.

    So I boiled some potatoes, mashed them, then poured a full tin's worth of hot Ravioli (a little grated Mozzarella on top).

    And as the French say:.                     "He Ho He Ho!" (You need an "Allo Allo" accent for that).

    No, No, it's "Et Voilà"

    This is more waffle.....I will blame the excessive heat today!

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Steve

    Yes I did read Mrs Ulls post - sounds great! And so does your pasta mix! 

    My partner is genius at knocking up a load of leftovers into something that tastes amazing - never works when I try though!Rofl

    Not too bad here in Dorset. I'm 2 miles from the beach so we get sea breezes which peg back the temperature- the car said it was 27c. Hopefully we won't get the anticipated 40c!

    Stay cool!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Ulls, Hope Mrs Ulls doesn't mind being referred to as Mrs Ulls.

    Could have been worse, you could have called yourself "Doubtfire"

    .. then...

    More waffling, it's definitely the heat, says he sitting in the front garden, baking...

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Of course she doesn't mind after all it's my name, she says to let you know that Aldi sell breakfast burgers they make a great change from following my diet.