Hot flushes managing in the heat wave

  • 2 replies
  • 111 subscribers

My brother lives in Spain and the temperate is rising. His hot flushes are keeping him awake at night making his working hours draining 
He’s been amazing coping with his diagnosis of Prostate Cancer reoccurrence a few months ago. He’s having injections three monthly for life 

I wonder if anyone has some tips for me to pass on to him. I am from the bowel cancer group and thought that I’ve had so much support from members going through what I have. It’s been so encouraging and supportive. 
I hope that you don’t mind me popping up here

How do you manage a good nights sleep in the heat  

He does have aircon and a ceiling fan however it’s either freezing or boiling 

With best wishes 


  • Artsie,

    Mine are usually in bed.  An easy tip is when you get up for the toilet in the night, turn your pillow over so you get the cool side.  It works.  Thanks to Gina for that.

    Some swear by tablets, I've never tried any yet.

    You should get more replies as it affects all of us.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Artsie

    I have just mentioned to someone suffering from the same problem, as the doctor about Provera tablets they do help.

    Stay safe
