Still all clear.

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  • 113 subscribers

Well it's been 6 months now since the specialist called me to come to see him to discuss my M.R.I. scan...I  knew that something wasn't quite right as my bowel functions were all over the place..

He duly informed me that I  had advanced prostate cancer and needed to start hormone treatment immediately followed by injections and radio therapy......As you can imagine, I was devastated..

I began the course of tablets and I  was asked to return as soon as possible for a full biopsy ( as I  was due to travel to the Netherlands to visit my partner)...The next few weeks were obviously devastating how do I  tell my kids ? How should the next few years of my life be spent ? Etc etc.. Anyway I  continued the following few weeks as best that I  could...returning 3 weeks later to endure an uncomfortable biopsy and my first injection..

Now the revelation!!....6 day's later I received a phone call at 8.30 am (not from the specialist) but his secretary!! Informing me that my biopsy was clear and I  had to stop taking the hormone tablets and cancel my next injection date....I have not got prostate cancer but prostatitis and to take a course antibiotics for 28 days until clear.......Wow.!!

I was obviously delighted, extatic, overjoyed and many other feelings...   I  obviously returned the call to the hospital after coming down to earth to speak to the specialist to whom originally had sat me down and given me the initial diagnosis..  His reply was that the symptoms from the M.R.I  scans , the lymph nodes etc had all showed that the I had the dreaded prostate cancer , and he was astounded that the biopsy was totally clear ..

6 month's down the line all is good both physically and mentally....Thanks for the opportunity of being accepted and listened to , good luck to everyone in this wonderful group of yours..Stay positive and as happy as you can..